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Our greatest aspiration is to see Sudan rise from the ashes a new and prosperous nation unified in its diversity, utilizing its resources and enriching its economy and people”
Our Vision
Is of a Sudan where people feel secure, are living in dignity, and fulfilling their dreams and aspirations.

Our Mission
Is the pursuit of stability, sustainable development, and good governance.

Our Values
We believe in upholding the values of Transparency – Accountability – and Equality in the pursuit of our mission and vision.

Peace Building and development
Our Story
SUDIA was founded in 1996 during a turbulent time for Sudan. Civil war in the country was at its peak, with immense human rights violations and massive population displacement taking place. The fragmented state of Sudan was our alarm call to aid the process of resolving conflicts breaking out across the country and reduce the amount of suffering people were going through.
Still today Sudan is overwhelmed with adversity, plagued with internal conflict , and in an economic decline. But that does not have to be our future, because no conflict is beyond hope, and no change is beyond reach.

Our highest aim to support the process of building a more inclusive, harmonious, and progressive Sudan for all who inhabit its lands. We are a non-profit non-governmental organization working for peace, development and good governance by reducing violence, empowering youth and advancing the role of media and civil society. Our work engages a broad cross-section of actors and stakeholders that hold the same hopes and aspirations for Sudan.

How We Strive to Make Change
Advocacy and Awareness raising among local communities across Sudan
Research and Root cause analysis on conflict resolution, socio-political development and resource management
Training and capacity building of change makers and active civil society organizations
Collaborations and partnerships with national and international drivers of change and development
Our Leadership
SUDIA is led by an executive committee, managed by its founder and Executive Director, and supported by a team of young dedicated professionals. Our Board members / Executive committee – SUDIA’s board is a diverse group of skilled and knowledgeable individuals who are active within the civic and political sphere in Sudan. They are responsible for overseeing the strategic direction of the organization and ensuring that our projects and programme are in sync with our mission and vision.

Alongside our programs, we leverage our contextual knowledge and tap into the diverse expertise of a pool of partners and associates to provide innovative and high-quality services in different areas and across various sectors. Services we offer include Research and Assessments, Training and Capacity Development, and Media/Communications related services.

Media monitoring is a research technique which analyses the content from a range of media outlets to gauge the public discourse or develop an understanding of public perceptions around a particular theme or issue. Media monitoring may also be used to assess the quality of practice and knowledge of media professionals (journalists, bloggers, reporters) with regard to themes or issues being reported on.

We monitor media across multiple platforms that include news, print, television and social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and over the past 10 years we have undertaken media monitoring activities to inform our own programs as well as a service for partner organizations. We offer customized solutions tailored to your monitoring needs and data analysis in a way that is holistic and above all insightful.

We have partnered with institutions the likes of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UNICEF, Warchild Holland, PeaceTech Lab, and have undertaken media monitoring and reporting activities covering issues such as elections coverage, hate speech, gender in the Sudanese media, and child protection issues.


Training & Capacity Development
SUDIA has an extensive experience in designing and delivering customized training interventions to meet our partners needs. We also run our own off-the-shelf training programs targeting both the development community in Sudan as well as the private sector.
We have developed and implemented trainings spanning a wide spectrum of topics that include community-based reintegration, facilitation/training skills, project design and proposal writing, strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, report writing, microfinance. SUDIA has also been a pioneer in the introduction and use of Futures technologies such as Foresight and Future Search in the Sudan and is actively promoting the use of these innovative technologies to address some of the chronic development challenges facing the country.


Research & Assessment
SUDIA offers considerable experience in Sudan in undertaking research. Whether providing needs assessments, evaluating projects or carrying out conflict analysis the emphasis is on participatory approaches that adopt robust quantitative and qualitative methodologies.
SUDIA provides services that are value-driven and is able to draw on expertise from its network of partners, associates and consultants both in-country and internationally.
Please contact us if you are interested in any of our services.
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Address1: 37th 35th Ave, Khartoum, Sudan