Uganda Girl Guides Association
Uganda Girl Guides Association
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Uganda Girl Guides Association (UGGA) welcomes you to Uganda; “The Pearl of Africa”
As a member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), Uganda Girl Guides Association (UGGA) was inaugurated as a full member of the WAGGGS at the world conference that was held in the United States of America in July 1984.

Guiding in Uganda was started during the colonial times, when Uganda was still under the British rule. Lady foster Smith, a British teacher, then teaching in Kyebambe Girls’ School in Fort Portal – Kabarole district, Western Uganda, (at the foot of Mt. Rwenzori), the highest mountain in Uganda) started guiding.

It is now ninety five years! Excitement is at the door of every Girl Guide in Uganda as we start thinking and seeing centenary drawing nearer each other day.
In 1946, the King of Buganda the biggest ethnic group in Uganda, realized and appreciated the work of the Girl Guides Association and he gave them land; forty acres of land to the Association and gave them land; forty acres of land to the Association, to enable training of more Girl Guides and carry out other activities. This is found in Wakiso District, eight (8) miles/ fifteen (15) km from Kampala at Busabala on the shores of Lake Victoria. Lake Victoria is the second largest lake in the world following Lake Superior in America.

Uganda Girl Guides Association is proud of, and it treasures the first Training Commissioner in Africa, Mrs. Kabuzi Marjorie, now at 96 years of age an living in Fort Portal, where guiding started.

In 1956, Lady Olave Baden Powell visited Uganda Girl Guides Association and a Foundation stone for the Baden Powell House which accommodates both the Scouts and Guides Headquarters. We are proud to be the only country and Association in Africa to be visited twice by lady Olave Baden Powell; respectively in 1956 and 1967.Guiding in Uganda was started in 1914 and was officially registered by the Act of parliament (The Royal Charter Act) 147 volumes 5 on the 23rd March 1922 with the ordinances of 23 of 1934 S2 – S41 – a movement named “The Uganda Girl Guides Association.”
To date, Uganda has 112 districts. The ministry of Education, Sports, Science and Technology, is our “mother ministry”, (for in-school Guides).

Company Information
Contact Name: Uganda Girl Guides Association
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Since : 01-07-1984
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