Uganda National Action on Physical Disability (UNAPD)
Uganda National Action on Physical Disability (UNAPD)
Location : Kampala Email :

Uganda National Action on Physical Disability (UNAPD) was founded in 1998 as an autonomous umbrella body composed of individual Persons with Physical Disabilities (PWPDs) and their District Associations in Uganda. The main aim of forming UNAPD was to forge unity among PWPDs, advocate for their rights, fight their marginalization, educate them on their rights and ensure they are represented at all levels and uplift their standard of living. Ultimately UNAPD visualizes “a society where persons with physical disabilities live with dignity”.

The mission of UNAPD is “to advance member efforts in removing barriers that prevent persons with physical disabilities from enjoying rights through advocacy, capacity building and networking”. To achieve our purpose, since the founding of UNAPD, we have undertaken a series of policy and structural transformations in response to the reality of our member’s existence and needs. All our programmes have been implemented through well thought and inclusively developed strategic and annual work plans.


UNAPD works to achieve the following objectives:

  • Promotion of programmes for rehabilitation, full social integration, independent living and productivity of People with Physical Disabilities.

  • Creation of equal opportunities for People with Disabilities in general and People with Physical Disabilities in particular, in socio-economic development and decision making.

  • Creation of awareness among the general public, government authorities and disabled persons themselves, of the challenges and potentials of People with Physical Disabilities.

  • Advocacy for the full rights of People with Physical Disabilities to access medical, education, employment and all endeavour to improve on their quality of life.

  • Promotion of programmes for the prevention of disability, provision of appliances and other mobility aids.

  • Creation of a forum for mainstreaming, sharing and exchanging information relevant to People with Physical Disabilities.

UNAPD operates on the following principles:

  • Nothing for us without us: People with Physical Disabilities believe that they should be involved in all that is done about them and for them.

  • Unity of purpose: UNAPD members came together not just to associate but to attain, through joint action, the rights of Person with Disability in general and People with Physical Disability in particular.

  • Disability is not inability: The limitations of People with Physical Disabilities do not mean that they are less human beings or that they should be subjects of pity and alms. PWPDs can be useful to society if given opportunity.

  • Action for positive change: People with Physical Disabilities are sure that any changes in their interests can only come through concerted and united action.

  • The time is now: People with Physical Disabilities believe that the time for action for their full integration into the mainstream society is now.

UNAPD culture

A society cannot survive without a culture, composed of common values, beliefs and principles. UNAPD has developed a set of values, beliefs and principles that require not only members to believe but to live. In this way, the organisation will not only survive but members will grow with it.

Beliefs: UNAPD believes that PWPDs;

  • Have the potential to develop themselves.

  • Are contributors to development, not just consumers.

  • Have a role to play in national, regional and global development.

  • What We do

    Over the years, the strategic core of our programming has expanded beyond addressing the individual PWPD interests directly. UNAPD now has substantive interventions to mobilise, strengthen and link the PWPDs’ advocacy and solidarity platforms, working and campaigning with them to challenge the structural and systemic barriers that PWDPs face, through an intermediate layer of member-driven initiatives within a rights based framework. This Holistic approach in Uganda has seen UNAPD footprint planted at the national and regional levels while it supports local level intervention through her membership.

    UNAPD is committed to the principles of aggregation of the interests and amplification of the voices of its members and this provides a sound philosophical base upon which the organisation provides national-level leadership for concerns of PWPD.  At the national level, UNAPD is a member of NUDIPU – the umbrella organisation of PWDs in
    Uganda. We also hold membership of the Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG), the Federation of Uganda Employers (FUE), the National NGO Forum and the Forum of Education NGOs in Uganda (FENU). In addition, UNAPD has signed partnership agreements with Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU) and the Buganda Kingdom.

    The UNAPD national board is presently composed of nine members (4 Females and 5 Males of which one is a representative for youth). The BOD has a term of office of 4 years and is elected by the general assembly which brings membership from each district. The organizational activities are implemented by the secretariat team of 15 staff (7 Females and 8 Males) and of these staff, 6 are PWPDs. UNAPD secretariat office is located on plot 459
    Namasole Road, Kanyanya off Gayaza Road in Kampala. We have a long-term aspiration to procure our own office premises when resources allow.

    Our Vision

    UNAPD envisions “A society where persons with physical disabilities live in dignity”.

    Our Mission
    UNAPD exists “To advance member efforts in removing barriers that prevent PWPDs from enjoying their rights through advocacy, capacity building and networking”

    Our Values
    Our core values are the fundamental ideals at the heart of the work that we do at UNAPD. Our Core values reflect what is truly important to the organization. These values are the basic principles that guide the internal relationships, operations as well as relationships with the beneficiaries and stakeholders. The UNAPD team and stakeholders reflected on the core values and maintained the following:

    Professionalism: We cherish openness in whatever transpires in the organization and the lives of persons with physical disability. We aspire to live to the highest standards of personal honesty and behaviour, we never compromise our reputation and always act in the best interests of PWPDs.

    Diversity: We believe and promote inclusion. We recognise & embrace our physical differences and appreciate human diversity. We celebrate who we are; different, resilient and capable.

    Human dignity: We believe in respect and we do not discriminate any one on grounds of having different disabilities.

    Equality & Equity: UNAPD recognizes that an individual with physical disability is a “person first” before the disability which makes a strong foundation for the equitable participation and treating everyone the same. We
    ascribe to the well embraced notion of “Nothing for us without us” hence we are committed to giving PWPDs what they need to be successful.

    Our Theory of Change (ToC)

    Our theory of change is driven by our vision statement which envisions “A society where persons with physical disabilities live in dignity” This is the highest aspiration we want to see changed and happening for PWPD’s in Uganda. Moreover, UNAPD has been operational for over 20 years and therefore we have accumulated sufficient wealth of experience in planning and programming on physical disability. We are therefore clear about what problem and priorities on physical disability we are working to address and what we as PWPD want to change and how that change should come about. In developing our theory of change (ToC) we counted on the lessons we learnt
    through the implementation of previous projects, including insights we garnered from previous research and the evaluations done on past projects. Furthermore, our TOC is informed by evidence based development models that have been tested and proven to work.

    We therefore believe that the journey to the realization of a dignified life for PWPD commences “If we build the capacity of district associations and organizations of PWPDs, they will be able to effectively advocate for the rights and interests of their individual members at the lower local levels. If UNAPD expands and deepens its partnerships, networks and linkages with like-minded stakeholders, then together we will be able to create forums for joint advocacy and resource mobilization. This will lead to amplified voices articulating the interests of PWPDs and ensuring they are mainstreamed into local and national development programs. This will lead to improved
    compliance with key legal frameworks and provision of a conducive environment, responsive to the interests of PWPDs. And consequently all these multiple interventions will impact on the ability of PWPDs to enjoy independent and dignified lives”.

    Our Theory of change is premised on the following key assumptions which we shall continuously interrogate for validity:
    • Government and civil society leaders will increase appreciation, understanding and efforts
    towards disability inclusion.
    • International development will continue to prioritize and lead change related to inclusion.
    • PWPDs will be recognized for their ability to participate and contribute to development.
    • Community appreciation and understanding about disability rights will improve.
    • Efforts to achieve disability inclusive societies will cover rural, urban and other countries.
    • Resources will be provided by government or development partners to implement
    interventions on physical disability.

Company Information
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Contact Phone: +256 (0) 414 692403
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Address1: Plot 459, Namasole Road, Kanyaya, Gayaza Road,