Uganda National Alliance on Clean Cooking (UNACC)
Uganda National Alliance on Clean Cooking (UNACC)


Uganda National Alliance on Clean Cooking (UNACC)


Enhance Coordination and Synergy among stakeholders in Uganda towards equitable universal access to Clean Cooking Solutions

Organizational Expertise

Adoption / Behavior Change, Capacity Building, Carbon Finance, Climate/Environment, Finance / Investment, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Health, Heating, Institutional Cooking, Lab or Field Testing, Livelihoods, Marketing, Microfinance, Monitoring and Evaluation, Policy Development, Research, Standards, Technology and Fuel R&D

Technologies & Fuels

Biogas, Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Charcoal, Crop residues, Electricity, Ethanol / Alcohol, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Natural Gas / Methane, Pellets / Briquettes, Wood

Clean Cooking Activities

1.Creating awareness about the Clean Cooking sector Products and services, through nationwide campaigns (For example the Fumbalive campaign in 2016) and platforms where sector players interact and deliberate on clean cooking issues.
2. Policy advocacy to promote favorable business environment.
3. Providing a joint sector coordination framework representation to donors and investors.
4. Advocating for quality standards to protect consumers from inferior products while ensuring that manufacturers produce quality clean cooking solutions.
5. Providing access to relevant data in the clean cooking sector.
6. Facilitating access to Finance, for members.
7. Training members in technology, business development and entrepreneurship.
8. Organizing networking events and connections with diverse stakeholders and experts within the sector.


Uganda National Alliance on Clean Cooking as an Umbrella Institution for all Players in the Clean Cooking Sector we have done or can do the following;
1.Jointly creat awareness about the Clean Cooking sector Products and services, through Coordination of National wide campaigns (For example the Fumbalive campaign in 2016) and platforms where sector players interact and deliberate on clean cooking issues.
2. Take lead on key Policy advocacy Issues agreed upon as partners to promote favorable business environment for sector players.
3. Provide a joint sector coordination framework representation to donors and investors.
4. Champion Advocacy for quality standards to protect consumers from inferior products while ensuring that manufacturers produce quality clean cooking solutions.
5. Providing access to relevant data in the clean cooking sector in Uganda.
6. Facilitating or prepare sector players to access Finance.
7. Training members in technology, business development and entrepreneurship.
8. Organizing networking events and connections with diverse stakeholders and experts within the sector. Our value proposition is to See a joint approach towards the Alliance scoring on her mandate.

Working together toward universal access

No single stove, fuel, or business model can meet the needs of every family, community, or country.

The Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) complements the work of partners to build a dynamic, inclusive, and financially sustainable industry with the goal of achieving universal access to clean cooking by 2030. This will lead to improved health, reduced climate and environmental impacts, empowered women, and improved livelihoods.

CCA’s work is built around three core pillars:

Driving consumer demand for cleaner, more modern stoves and fuels by supporting behavior change and awareness-raising interventions;
Mobilizing investment to build a pipeline of scalable businesses capable of delivering affordable, appropriate, high-quality clean cooking products; and
Fostering an enabling environment for industry growth by advocating for effective and predictable policies; providing trusted, relevant data; and serving as the convener and champion of the clean cooking sector.

Our Theory of Change

CCA’s Theory of Change outlines the activities, assumptions, and pathways underlying the efforts of CCA and its partners to reach universal access to clean cooking.

Company Information
Contact Name: Uganda National Alliance on Clean Cooking (UNACC)
Contact Email: ,
Contact Phone: +256774345977
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