Universal Institute of Research and Innovations (UNIRI)
Universal Institute of Research and Innovations (UNIRI)
Location : Email : info@uniri.ac.ug

Who we are

Universal Institute of Research and Innovations (UNIRI) was founded to be a leading institute in Africa in the provision of timely, researched and relevant knowledge to address problems confronting society. The Institute also focuses on skilling individuals for wealth and prosperity.

Our Mission

To be a leading Institute in Africa in the provision of timely researched and relevant knowledge to address problems confronting society

Our Vision

An Institute that enhances holistic development of Society through research based innovative solutions.

Our Philosophy

Human behavior is born as a product of intellectual activity.

Our Current Teaching Strategy

UNIRI is prepared to continue teaching and learning amidst this disruption caused by COVID 19 by employing a number of innovative instructional strategies that enable students to learn while their good health is assured. Following the directive of National Council for Higher Education, UNIRI has instituted an online students’ learning system. Although when Institutions reopen the students will come for face to face, in the meantime all teaching and learning will happen online without any excuse whatsoever. In addition to these innovative strategies UNIRI will follow all SOPs recommended by the MOeS and Ministry of health. UNIRI is poised to use all innovative instructional strategies during and beyond the covid 19 pandemic. These include but are not limited to online learning, Audio and Video Podcasts, Face to Face, cooperative/small group and project and research-based learning.

Company Information
Contact Name:
Contact Email: info@uniri.ac.ug
Contact Phone: +256392813999
Contact Fax:
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Address1: P.O Box 814, Fort Portal Uganda