Village Synergy
Village Synergy
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Village Synergy is a grassroot, regenerative development and advocacy organization, established in 2011 and worked with partners to support the poorest and the most vulnerable in their struggle against poverty, suffering and injustices in optimizing equity in development and society, campaigning and speaking out on behalf the voiceless, and empower the voiceless to gain confidences and speak out,

We believe that if individuals, families and community discover gaps with appropriate information and skills, it influences their beliefs, attitudes and practice thus enabling them to take action to lead a better quality of life

Our core business is influencing Individual behavior, social and economic change by:

Capacity building in social and economic behavior change
Community engagement and empowerment to improve lives
Empower community to advocate/ take lead in demanding for services

Village Synergy is a youth-community focused, community needs and challenges–driven organization, as well as optimizing equity in development and society

Village Synergy uses diverse approaches in designing and implementation of its activities/ projects, which are; cost effective, easily replicable and adaptable for different sector interventions. Some of our successfully tested approaches include:

Community Participation and Engagement:

we engage communities in gathering information on the identified issues, the needs for capacity strengthening and possible solution to the challenges communities face, involving the communities, fosters partnerships; builds trust; promotes empowerment and increased awareness resulting in activities/ program ownership and sustainability

Evidence-Based Programming:

all our interventions are informed by evidence gathered through research during design, implementation, monitoring and assessment of interventions to measure impact. Village Synergy continuously assesses the environment in which it operates to enable her respond to the changing needs in the communities

Existing Structures:

our engagement with communities, continue to go through existing local government and community structures of; District local governments, leaders, community-based networks, schools and drama clubs, community-based organization (CBOs), faith-based organization (FBOs). Working through these structures enhances cost effectiveness, acceptability, ownership and sustainability of activities/ programs

Modeling Positive Behavior:

Village Synergy continues to utilize various approaches that have proven successful in promotion of positive behavior change; Positive Deviance based on the belief that every community always has special individuals (Positive Deviants) with uncommon practices and behaviors that enable them to cope better than their neighbors who share the same resources and face the same risk

Family-Centered Health Promotion: Village Synergy continues to engage families in achieving better health outcomes, through her Family-centered cares’ partnership approach to health care, the support have enhanced decision-making between the family and health care provider in adhering to care and treatment of our beneficiaries.

Alobo Winnie Immaculate
Associates Director

Atim Winfred
Project Officer

Catherine Akao Opio
Communications Assistant

Eric Adupa
Accounts Assistant

Atim Winfred

Ronald Ogwang
Laboratory Technician
Company Information
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Contact Phone: +256 394 001 688
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Address1: Box 507 Lira Plot 1B Adyel Kasubi Lira-Gulu Road West Division Lira City, Uganda