Individual Consultant job at The Global Green Growth Institute
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Vacancy title:
Individual Consultant

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Public Administration, and Government , Category: Human Resources ]

Jobs at:

The Global Green Growth Institute

Deadline of this Job:
Tuesday, December 17 2024 

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , kampala,Uganda, East Africa

Date Posted: Tuesday, December 03 2024, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Learn more about The Global Green Growth Institute
The Global Green Growth Institute jobs in Uganda


The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. To learn more please visit about GGGI web page.

GGGI is collaborating with the Government of Uganda and key institutions, including the Climate Finance Unit in the Ministry of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development (MoFPED), to support initiatives that will drive significant programmatic changes in climate financing across the country.

The Government of Uganda (GOU) is fully committed to contributing to the Paris Agreement of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Convention. The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change with the goal of limiting global warming below 2°C, preferably 1.5°C, above pre-industrial levels. In fulfilment of its obligations under the Paris Agreement, Uganda submitted its first Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) in 2015. In June 2018, the GOU developed an NDC Partnership Plan as a framework to coordinate, mobilise resources, and monitor implementation of the NDC. The NDC Partnership Plan set five outcomes to be achieved by 2030 including: 1. Strengthening efficient, operational and gender responsive policy and institutional framework for the effective governance of climate change; 2. Financing for climate change increased and reflected in relevant planning and budgeting frameworks at national and local levels; 3. effective and institutionalised Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) system; 4. strengthened capacity of government officials, civil society, private sector and academia to effectively integrate NDC-SDGs commitments with a gender lens into existing and future programmes; and 5. Project financing for NDC implementation accelerated.

In 2021, the Parliament of Uganda passed the National Climate Change Act. The National Climate Change Act (2021) under section 30 provided for amendment of the Public Finance Management Act, 2015 allowing for the National Planning Authority in partnership with the Ministry of Water and Environment to issue a certificate of compliance that the Budget Framework Papers produced by all the Accounting officers are climate change responsive and contains adequate allocation for funding climate change measures and actions. The Ministry for Water and Environment (MoWE) and the National Planning Authority (NPA) shall evaluate all votes of the Budget Framework Paper before issuing the certificate.

Accordingly, the Third National Development Plan (NDP III) under the Programme Objective on Promote inclusive climate resilient and low emissions development at all levels of the Natural Resources, Environment, Climate Change Land and Water Management Programme provided the guidance for climate responsiveness. The NDP III requires accounting officers to promote continuous integration of climate change and disaster risk reduction in planning, budgeting and reporting, among other actions.

Since July 2021, the GOU has been implementing a green recovery strategy for the economy through the leadership of the MoFPED. The green recovery includes alignment existing policy and planning frameworks including aligning the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) of Uganda, with the Uganda Green Growth Development Strategy (UGGDS), and the NDP III. The NDP III is part of the Comprehensive National Development Planning Framework (CNDPF) that starts with the annual planning and budget cycles, builds into the national budget, the development plans, and the Vision 2040.

The GOU through the Climate Finance Unit, MoFPED and the Climate Change Department (CCD) at the MoWE seeks to build the capacity of the different Stakeholders including National and Sub-national in Climate Change Budget Tagging by reviewing and update of the Programme Implementation Action Plans (PIAPs) of all 20 Programmes of the NDP III to allow for a comprehensive mainstreaming of the National Climate Change Policy and the National Climate Change Act. These trainings will help provide hands-on experience of the planners to contribute to the review and update of climate responsive PIAPs at their level of implementation aimed at contributing to the ongoing mid-term evaluation of the NDP III.

The overall objective of this training activity is to develop capacities of the different stakeholders in crafting climate responsive PIAPs identifying climate related activities to be fed in the Programme Budgeting System (PBS), and for integration into the planning and budgeting cycle for FY 2025/26. In addition, the developed climate responsive PIAPs will contribute towards updating of the PBS to comprehensive planning, budgeting and analysis of climate change related public investment in Uganda.

The specific objectives are:
1. Sensitize and build capacity of Ministries, Departments and Agencies and Local Governments on the concept of climate change adaptation and mitigation;
2. Conduct awareness and training on the process of climate change budget tagging
Undertake appropriate mapping of PIAPs under the NDPIV and climate responsive implementation outputs, and budget outputs that will provide guidance both for the development of Budget Framework Papers in line with the ongoing updates to the PBS.

A report to provide feedback and guidance on next actions to support project appraisal processes, and evaluation of appropriations and budget outturn. All the Agencies and Sub-national votes under the 20 Programmes of the NDP III will be represented by at least 3 planning officers (at least one per Vote) and/or a climate change desk officer. The MoFPED, NPA and MWE/CCD will be further represented by the technical officers in charge of the PBS, the Climate Finance Unit, Climate Change mainstreaming in NDP III, and compliance to climate change mainstreaming in all NDP III Programmes.

The overall output of the activity will be tagging climate responsive medium term Programme Implementation Frameworks for all 20 Programmes of the NDP III, a climate responsive PBS ready to support the planning and budgeting cycle for FY 2025/26.
In addition, the different Programme secretariats will be able to support the Accounting Officers and Vote Managers to implement a climate responsive Budget Framework Paper for FY 2025/26.
Scope of work:
1. Facilitating Capacity Building workshops (expected to be 3 days) for NDPIII/IV programme secretariats to produce programme secretariat strategic climate change adaptation and mitigation actions to include;
1. Development of all relevant training materials
2. Conduct all training workshops
3. Develop follow on recommendations
4. Facilitate technical capacity building workshops for Ministries, Departments and Agencies to map agency specific climate change adaptation and mitigation actions for incorporation in the CCBT (expected to be 5 days) to include;

1. Work with MDAs categorized according to programmes to map out climate change adaptation and mitigation actions for incorporation in the CCBT.
2. Develop all relevant materials
3. Conduct all training workshops
4. Facilitate Technical Capacity building workshops of Local Governments in mapping out climate change adaptation and mitigation actions for CCBT.
1. Facilitate 3 day workshops for each of the 6 regions
2. Develop all relevant materials
3. Conduct all training workshops
4. Design a Manual for MoFPED Desk Officer on climate change adaptation and mitigation actions by programme. This will be used to screen submitted budgets for climate change adaptation and mitigation responsiveness.


Output No/ brief description

Deliverable and indicative timeline

Payment schedule

Output 1: Inception report

Provide a clear framework for implementation, including timelines, resource requirements, roles, and responsibilities.

Assesses potential risks and outlines strategies for their mitigation, while establishing criteria for monitoring and evaluation.

Include a communication plan for effective project execution and stakeholder engagement.

30th December 2024

30% of total contract value

Output 2: Draft report  and Manual for MoFPED Desk Officer on climate change adaptation and mitigation actions by programme.

The report should reflect the outcome of all activities conducted by the consultant including all training materials

The report should give recommendations for further activities to be carried out.

This will be used to screen submitted budgets for climate change adaptation and mitigation responsiveness

20th February 2025

50% of total contract value

Output 3: Final report

A final consolidated report with all feedback incorporated.

15th March 2025

20% of total contract value

• All relevant technical papers, reports, and other documents prepared from the start to the end of the assignment shall be attached to the Final Report.
• The Consultant shall submit the report in both hard copies and electronic versions readable by a Microsoft Office application.
• All outputs must be in English. In addition, the Consultant may be required to submit the outputs in other languages.
• Final report must be approved by the GGGI with the agreement of the [ministry, etc]. The Consultant shall consider the comments and necessary revisions proposed. Within 14 days from the receipt of the comments or modification proposal from the GGGI, the Consultant shall prepare and submit the final versions of the report.

The Consultant should have the following qualifications:
• University degree (master’s or higher degree preferred) in environmental studies, development studies, infrastructure engineering and other relevant fields;
• At least 8 years of direct experience in relevant assignments;
• Track record in developing budget tagging methodologies, which involve categorizing and tracking expenditures related to climate change within government budgets.
• Demonstrated understanding of public financial management systems, budget planning, and expenditure tracking in a national context
• Proven track record in designing and delivering training programs, workshops, and seminars.
• Demonstrated ability to help organizations develop and implement strategic plans for integrating climate change considerations into budgetary processes
• Extensive experience and track record in the engagement of government and private sector stakeholders on climate change or environmental project development/implementation;
• Fluent in English with strong skills in both written communication and technical reporting.
• Demonstrated strong interpersonal and motivational skills and sensitivity to the local environment as well as the ability to work with minimal supervision.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 96

Level of Education:
Associate Degree

Job application procedure

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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Tuesday, December 17 2024
Duty Station: kampala,Uganda
Posted: 03-12-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 03-12-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 03-12-2077
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