16 Clerk Of Works jobs at Nexus Green
1086 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
16 Clerk Of Works

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Engineering Services , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Nexus Green

Deadline of this Job:
18 March 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Monday, March 14, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Nexus Green jobs in Uganda

Nexus Green is a renewable energy solution provider, working in African emerging markets. It's seeking to recruit for the below positions
Designation: 16 Clerk Of Works (Cow)
Department: Operations
Reporting to: Project Engineer
Location : Regional Office in Mbarara, Soroti, Gulu, Kampala with frequent travels to sites.

Position Purpose:
The Clerk of Works will ensure quality assurance, t h e timely intervention of technical issues, and oversee the delivery of the construction project work in accordance with the Client’s requirements.
To provide full-time day-to-day inspection and supervision of the construction works on behalf of the Contract Management Team and submit regular progress reports.
The Clerk of Works (C.O.W) is expected to check that building plans are being followed correctly and the technical specifications complied with, inspect the workmanship and quality of work at the construction site, monitor compliance with health, safety, environmental and social safeguards on-site, and report back to the Contract Management Team and the Accounting Officer.

Key Roles / Duties
• Study and internalize the construction drawings, bills of quantities, technical specifications, the scope of works, Contractor’s work program , and construction method statement so as to ensure that the Contracto ris properly guided, and the progress assessed.
• Highlight any potential specification or design issues encountered and bring them to the attention of the Project Engineer for action before they affect the construction works and work program.
• Agree on joint quality control procedures with the Project Engineer in accordance with Client’s requirements, ensure compliance by the Contractor, and report any deviation for timely intervention by the Project Engineer for effectiveness and efficiency.
• Liaise with the Project Engineer’s representative on-site in enforcing compliance of contractual requirements by the Contractor.
• Carry out inspections on-site and continuously monitor construction progress and quality of work in accordance with the Contractor’s Method Statements and the Construction Health and Safety Plan, building regulations, health, and safety legislation and advise on any likely delays and also promptly report breaches to the Project Engineer.
• Undertake a trouble-shooting role, in consultation with the Project Engineer regarding the investigation of defects and the organisation and direction of remedial works.
• Maintain a critical but constructive relationship with the Contractor’s supervisory staff.
• Witness the sampling of materials for testing by the Contractor and interpret material test results received after analysis by the Project Engineer.
• Where approved samples are available, compare work carried out against samples and ensure that it is consistent with the technical specifications.
• Attend and contribute to Design Team meetings and Site Meetings and prepare a brief of the deliberations to the Accounting Officer.
• 11. Compile records of the works, minutes of site meetings, material test results, samples approved, progress reports, site instructions issued, payment certificates and invoices processed; index and file all drawings and correspondences on the project.
• Coordinate with the Project Engineer to receive and attend to Visiting Inspectors from the Government Agencies and follow up any actions arising from their visits.
• Ensure that the Contractor maintains a site diary, instruction book, visitors book
• Maintain an independent record of site activities, progress photographs, weather conditions, Contractor’s resources (personnel, materials, tools, and equipment), and monitor Sub-contractors’ attendance and day works.
• Inspect finished works and carry out joint measurements with the Contractor for the purpose of verifying Valuations and Interim Payment Certificates prepared by the Project Engineer, based on which advice isto be provided to the Contract Management Team when considering the Payment Certificates for approval.
• Assess any variations proposed by the Contractor and advise on anyalternative approaches or interventions that can be put in place to avert or reduce the need for variations for consideration by the Project Engineer. Where the variations are inevitable, ensure that they are adequately assessed and justification provided for consideration by the Contract Management Team.
• Ensure that on completion of the works, handover procedures are followed and all necessary documentation is provided by the Contractor and the Project Engineer.
• Check the as-built drawings prepared by the Contractor to ensure that it reflects the status on-site before acceptance by the Accounting Officer. Also ensure that all necessary operation and maintenance manuals for the equipment and services installed are submitted, with English translations for catalogs or manuals in another language.
• Ensure that a comprehensive snag list is prepared at practical completion and monitor the rectification of the snags/defects during the defects liability period.
• Submit a report on the overall performance of the Contractor and the Project Engineer at the end of the Contract for further action by the Accounting.

Key Working Relationships:
• All Officers Project Engineer All project Stakeholders

Technical Knowledge/ Skills:
• Should have a minimum of a National Diploma in Building Construction or Civil Engineering or Construction Management or Water Engineering.
• Should have adequate knowledge of site practice, building, and construction technology, including Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) installations.
• Should be familiar with Conditions of Contract and Construction Health and Safety (H&S) legislation. Behavioral / Attitude Competencies:
• Be thorough and pay attention to detail
• Customer service skills
• Good report-writing skills
• Computer skills for documentation, spreadsheets, and internet use
• Knowledge of computer-aided design applications
• Able to use your initiative, patience, and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations
• Good knowledge and analytical thinking skills
• Able to analyse quality and performance
• Should be able to work extra hours, including over weekends if need arises

Minimum Qualifications / Requirements:
• General working experience of at least 5 (five) years in the construction industry.
• Specific experience of at least 3 (three) years on a specific project ofsimilar nature and complexity within Uganda and the region.

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 36

Job application procedure
Email your application & CV to
For more information/ to obtain the detailed job description click; https://www.nexusgreen.com/careers/
The title of the job you are applying for and your name should be the subject of your email and also the Name of your application and CV. The closing date for applications shall be Friday 18 March 2022, at 05:00 pm EAT

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 18 March 2022
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 14-03-2022
No of Jobs: 16
Start Publishing: 14-03-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 14-03-2065
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