2 Continuous Quality Improvement Mentor Midwives Job at Abt Associates - Career Opportunity in Uganda
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2951 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
2 Continuous Quality Improvement Mentor Midwives

Jobs at:
Abt Associates

Deadline of this Job:
February 24th, 2017 at 5.00pm

Duty Station:
1 in the Northern and 1 in Eastern

Job details:
Abt Associates inc. is implementing a live your USAlD- funded Uganda Voucher Plus Activity in Uganda in the Eastern and Northern Regions. The Activity aims at achieving measurable improvements in safe motherhood services by supporting health financing and innovative service delivery models in the private sector. The Uganda Voucher Plus Activity is seeking to hire for the following position;

Position: 2 Continuous Quality Improvement Mentor Midwives
Attached to Baylor Uganda but based in Regions (1 in the Northern and 1 in Eastern)
Reports to: Regional Coordinator

Role definition: Responsible for the overall implementation of all clinical mentorship and technical support supervision of RMNCH activities under the Uganda Voucher Plus Activity in accredited Private Health Facilities. She will be managing quality improvement initiatives impacting on core clinical processes and critical MNCH care functions in the accredited private health facilities in line with MoH policy for CQI in MNCH.

Key Result Areas (KRAs)

  • Develop and implement Continuous Quality improvement work Plans for all accredited health facilities in the region.
  •  Prepare and submit, monthly and quarterly activity progress ; reports on all voucher covered services and COI activities as per the set targets.
  • Build capacity of health workers in Continuous Quality improvement and RMNCAH-EMTCT/EID best practices as per identified training needs through didactic trainings, onsite mentorships & support supervision in the districts of operation
  • Conduct regular support supervision/mentorship visits to accredited health facilities to ensure adherence to CQI plans & the national standards of care for voucher covered services.
  • Develop and maintain operational partnerships & network with key MCH stakeholders (MCH partners in the district e.g. SDS, HF in-charges etc) and participate in coordinated and harrnonlled MCH interventions in the district in line with Activity objectives.
  • Support accredited facilities to utilize the set up referral linkages to ensure easy movement of voucher covered clients from lower health facilities to Hospitals and higher-levels to improve on quality of care and support in line with activity objectives.
  • Develop and implement a health facility based CME plans to address key RMNCAH issues ‘affecting clients‘ access to voucher covered RHMCAH services including topics on SGBV and youth friendly services. "
  • Perform any other duties as directed by your supervisor.

Job specifications
The job holder should have;

  •  A diploma in midwifery with health systems management training. A degree in Nursing (reproductive health) or public health & population or its equivalent will be an added advantage.
  • Must be registered with the relevant professional body.
  • 3 years of experience in managing maternal & reproductive health programs/projects (with a focus on Emergency obstetric care, FP and EMTCT/EID/HCT) with a reputable international NGO.
  • Experience working with private health providers and District local governments is desired
  • Trainer of Trainers in some components of safe motherhood (with solid working knowledge and practical skills) in the following areas: Emergency Obstetric care, comprehensive FP, EMTCT and other sexual reproductive health issues.
  • At least three years of experience in Quality improvement approaches and training clinical service providers.
  • Prior experience in mentorship, facilitative support supervision and use of Collaborative approaches in Ql would be desired
  • have personal competences in Team and communication skills, Must be dynamic, self-motivated/self-drive, able to demonstrate high initiative and works under minimal supervision.

Job application procedure
Interested candidates should send their application letters and CV to: applications@baylor-uganda.org 
Closing date for submission of applications is February 24th, 2017 at 5.00pm.

Job Info
Job Category: Health/ Medicine jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: February 24th, 2017 at 5.00pm
Duty Station: 
Posted: 07-02-2017
No of Jobs: 2
Start Publishing: 07-02-2017
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 07-09-2029
Apply Now
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