3 Senior Project Engineers Jobs at Rural Electrification Agency - Career Opportunity in Uganda
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Vacancy title:
3 Senior Project Engineers

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Engineering Services , Category: Science & Engineering ]


Jobs at:

Rural Electrification Agency

Deadline of this Job:
24th June 2019  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Monday, June 10, 2019 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

The Government of Uganda (GoU) has received financingfrom the International Development Association (IDA) of theWorld Bank and it intends to apply part of the proceeds topayments for consulting services to be procured under theproject. The Project Development Objective of ERT IIIproject is to increase access to electricity in rural areas ofUganda.
Under ERT III project, the Rural Electrification Agency (REA)will be responsible for implementation of component 1 andSub-component 2.4. The Component 1 (On-grid EnergyAccess) shall support on-grid investments namely; (i) GridExtension and Associated Connections; (ii) GridIntensification and Associated Connections; (iii) HouseholdConnections from Existing Lines and (iv) ImplementationSupport for On-grid Energy Access. The Sub-component 2.4(Quality Assurance for Solar Market Development), whichwill be implemented in collaboration with the UgandaNational Bureau of Standards (UNBS), aims to promotequality assurance and awareness of solar products to enablethe market for affordable, high-quality PV products in ruralareas.
Under this project, three (03) positions of Senior ProjectEngineers are available to be filled by a qualified, experienced
REA is seeking to recruit individuals of high integrity,dedication and commitment for the position of SeniorProject Engineers whose details can be viewed andobtained on the Procurement Notice Board at REAOffices and on www.rea.or.ug
3Senior Project Engineers.
Main Purpose
The primary purpose of the Senior Project Engineers will beto oversee the implementation of ERT III Grid intensification
works under:
i) Batch 2 (North North West, Northern and West NileService Territories)
ii) Batch 3 (Central North, Eastern and North EasternService Territories)
iii) Batch 4 (Southern, South Western, Mid-Western andNorth Western Service Territories).
And any other ERT Project activities.
He/she will represent REA in the management of gridintensification and other ERT projects and will be REA’s liaisonperson with relevant stakeholders to ensure smooth andeffective project implementation. .

Scope of the assignment and Key Responsibilities:
• Contract Management which involves submission, verificationand certification of securities; scheduling timely sitehandover; timely submission and filing of reports,programmes and key contractual deliverables throughoutimplementation period; to review, update and approvereports and deliverables throughout the implementationperiod hence ensuring contract effectiveness; and reportingcompliance and completeness of key reporting requirementsand deliverables.
• To supervise construction work for quality compliance byensuring supply and use of quality materials as per contract,ensure adherence to good engineering practices withreference to the contract and the engineering memorandum,and to review and recommend change orders and orinstructions.
• To represent REA in the management of rural electrificationprojects through stakeholder identification and involvementand to ensure participation of key stake holders duringproject implementation.
• To carry out project monitoring, control, quality management,and reporting throughout the project cycle to ensureadherence to contractual requirements; to review detailedengineering designs drawings, and other relevantdocumentation prior to manufacturing and commencementof works at site; to develop and implement a quality controlplan with focus on critical project milestones, activities andequipment; to prepare quality control protocols; to scheduleand facilitate network pre commissioning and commissioningactivities; and to facilitate handover of completed projectworks as detailed in the contract.
• To collaborate with social and environmental specialist atREA to monitor the project’s compliance with environmentaland social safeguard instruments that include, among others,the Environmental and Social Management Framework(ESMF), the Environmental and Social Management Plan(ESMP), the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and all relevantWord Bank policies as detailed in the Project’s Financing
• Agreement; to ensure timely submission of the contractor’sESMP implementation report, to review for completeness inconjunction with the environmental unit and to facilitateenvironmental audit exercise during the project closure.
• To participate in project preparation and supervision byconducting field visits to verify and update scope, designs,and material quantities; and to supervise the developmentstatement of requirements and preparation of biddingdocuments; to facilitate the procurement of projectcontractors; and to prepare terms of reference (TORs) forconsultancy services and to facilitate the relatedprocurement activities.
• To review payment certificates and consultancy fee notesand submit as necessary for payment and to ensure timelypayment of contractors’ invoices and consultancy fee notes.
• To carry out any other duties as specified by the Supervisor.

Job Skills: Not Specified

Qualifications and Experience
A candidate should have:
• A Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from arecognized University.
• Professional registration and membership with anEngineering Professional body will be an added advantage.Masters in Power engineering or the equivalent will be anadded advantage
• Additional training in project management will be an addedadvantage.
• Working experience of at least seven (7) years, of which atleast five (5) years should have been in designing andimplementing electricity distribution projects up to 33 kV.
• Good interpersonal, communication and public relationsskills.
• A proven integrity record
• Period of performance
• The assignment shall be for a period of 2 (Two) Years.Reporting:
• The Senior Project Engineer shall report to the Manager ProjectDevelopment and Management, but will work closely with the
• Manager, ERTDuty Station:
• The Senior Project Engineer will be located in Kampala but withfield work to the project areas.
Job Education Requirements: Not Specified

Job Experience Requirements: Not Specified


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Job application procedure
Application procedure
Interested applicants who meet the requirements should submittheir applications which include: forwarding letter, detailed CV,names and addresses of three referees and copies of relevantcertificates and testimonials, addressed and delivered to:
The Executive Director
Rural Electrification Agency
Plot 10 Windsor Loop, Kololo
2nd Floor, House of Hope
P.O Box 7317
Kampala - Uganda
Deadline for receiving the applications: Monday, June 24 2019
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Please note that canvassing and lobbying will lead to automaticdisqualification of the candidate.

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Job Info
Job Category: Engineering jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 24th june 2019
Duty Station: uganda
Posted: 10-06-2019
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 10-06-2019
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 10-06-2065
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