Executive Director Job at The Uganda Development Corporation (UDC) - Career Opportunity in Uganda
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Vacancy title:
Executive Director

Jobs at:
The Uganda Development Corporation (UDC)

Deadline of this Job:
17th September2018

Duty Station:
Kampala, Uganda

Date Posted: 17th September2018 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed , Employment Type: Full-Time

The Uganda Development Corporation (UDC) was reestablished in 2016 under the Uganda Development Corporation Act 2016, with the primary objective of promoting and facilitating industrial and economic development of Uganda. In the execution of its functions, the Corporation is obliged to ensure the commercial, financial and technical soundness and viability of entities and ventures invested in, or with whom Government enters into partnership


As part of the re-establishment process, the Corporation seeks to fill the following vacant positions:

Tenure: The Executive Director shall hold offi ce for four (4) years and shall be eligible for reappointment for one more term only. Reporting: The Executive Director shall report to the Board of the Corporation. Duties: subject to the UDC Act 2016 and to the general supervision of the Board of the Corporation, the Executive Director is the chief executive officer of the Corporation, and shall:

  •  Implement the policies and programmes agreed upon by the Board
  •  Manage the funds and property of the Corporation
  •  Administer, organize, supervise and generally control the staff of the Corporation
  •  Keep the Board informed of the activities of the Corporation
  •  Keep a record of all the transactions of the Corporation
  • Establish and maintain efficient and adequate internal control systems
  •  Design and implement a mechanism for effective supervision of the subsidiaries or associates/companies invested in by the Corporation and keep the Board apprised of the operations of such subsidiaries and associates
  •  Ensure that the Corporation complies with all the relevant and applicable laws in the execution of its operations
  •  Any other duties assigned by the Board of the Corporation, or any other supervisory authority Person Profile: Prospective candidates must be Ugandans, holding at least a Bachelors’ and Master’s degrees in any of the following fields: Economics, Statistics, Business Administration, Commerce, Investment banking/Finance,Public Administration from a reputable university.

They must also have a minimum working experience of twelve (12) years, at least three (3) of which should be at senior/management (Head of Department/Division) level, spanning the areas of development planning, team development and management, project/investment development and execution or investment banking.

The experience must have been gained from the public and/or the private sector; and must demonstrate knowledge of the workings of both the public sector and private sector as well as strong analytical ability. Excellent interpersonal relations as well as experience dealing with key development stakeholders and partners will be essential.


Job application procedure
Applicants for both positions must not be above fifty fIve (55) years of age. Applications, inclusive of a detailed CV (with a daytime telephone contact and three Referees), should be addressed to:

The Chairperson, Finance and Administration Committee of the Board of the Corporation Uganda Development Corporation

Floor 5, Soliz House Plot 23,

Lumumba Avenue

P.O Box 7042, Kampala

And delivered to the above address in sealed envelopes. Electronic applications should be sent to: recruitment@udc.go.ug  Closing date: 5:00pm on 10th October 2018

Job Info
Job Category: Corporate / Organisation Director jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 10th October 2018
Duty Station: Kampala, Uganda
Posted: 17-09-2018
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 17-09-2018
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 18-09-2070
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