General Secretary Job at Eastern Africa Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (EAAACA) - Career Opportunity in Uganda
1877 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
General Secretary

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]


Jobs at:

Eastern Africa Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (EAAACA)

Deadline of this Job:
07 February 2020  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Friday, January 24, 2020 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

Eastern Africa Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (EAAACA) is an independent, non-profit making and non-political Association that was formed in 2007 in Kampala, Uganda. it is composed of Anti-Corruption Authorities in the East African Community Partner states:
• lnspectorate of Government of the Republic of Uganda;
• Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission of the Republic of Kenya;
• Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau of the United Republic of Tanzania;
• Special Brigade Anti-Corruption of the Republic of Burundi; Oftice of Ombudsman of the Republic of Rwanda.
• Federal Ethics and Anti- Corruption Commission of the Republic of Ethiopia;
• Inspection General D‘etat, Djibouti of the Republic of Djibouti; South Sudan Anti-Corruption Commission ct the Republic of South Sudan.
EAAACA's vision is An Eastern Africa Region free from Corruption.
The overall objective of EAAACA is to promote, facilitate and regulate regional cooperation and to accord mutual legal and technical assistance to member authorities regarding the prevention and combating of corruption in the region. To be able to carry out its objectives, EAAACA has a Secretariat based in Kampala, Uganda, responsible for the day to day running of the Association.
EAAACA has received funds from GlZ (Deutsche Geselischatt tiir lnternationale Zusammenarbeit) to carry out a number of activities and is seeking to recruit self-motivated, well qualified, highly competent and experienced ofiicer to till the position of the General Secretary.
Job Title: General Secretary
Contract Period: 3 years contract renewal once upon satisfactory performance
Reports to: The Executive Committee

Key Responsibilities
• The General Secretary heads the Secretariat that is located in Kampala Uganda and ls the Accounting Officer.
• Is responsible for the efficient administration of the Secretariat, and ensures that all activities, plans, budgets are implemented in line with the approved workplan.
• Ensure that the decisions of the Executive Committee and Annual General Meeting are implemented, and that the secretariat has resources: financial, human and equipment to run its activities and operations.
Is the Secretary to the AGM and an ex-ofticio member of the Executive Committee. In this context, the General Secretary fulfils the following tasks:
Specific Tasks
• Coordinate all activities of EAAACA and of existing networks such as ARIN-EA
• To prepare and submit annual work plan and budget to the Executive Committee for approval.
• To compile periodic financial and activity reports of the Association to the Executive Committee.
• To implement the decisions necessary for the functioning of the Association in accordance with the strategic plan of operation and the annual work plans approved by the General Meeting.
• To ensure timely communication of information on operations, programmes and where appropriate the resolutions and decisions of the Executive Committee and the Annual General Meeting to the members; and other relevant stakeholders.
• identify and mobilise funding for the Association’s activities and ensure effective and timelv financial and narrative reportino as maybe required.
• Co-ordinate financial and budget activities for maximum operational efficiency and maintain proper records and books of accounts.
• Plan and coordinate training programs for the members of the association and staff of the secretariat.
• Determine staffing requirements and initiate the hiring of new staff.
• Supervise and Monitor staff performance.
• Establish and maintain control procedures and systems.
• Develop, implement and review the Association's policies with the approval of the Executive Committee.
• Represent the Association on Legal documents/contact.
• To fulfil any other duties entrusted to it by Annual General Meeting orthe Executive Committee.
ln addition, the General Secretary will be required to handle the specific tasks for ARIN-EA which include;
• Prepare project operational plans for ARIN-EA with guidance of President of ARIN-EA and GIZ IFF Senior Advisor East Africa.
• Capturing relevant data on the status of ARIN-EA project deliverables to ensure that time, cost and quality are in line with approved project plans for assigned projects.
• Maintaining a register of compliance with policies and agreements for audit purposes.
• Facilitate researching and analyzing options in relation to market values and project deliverables to guide optimal decision making.
• Support in maintaining and updating all records ARIN-EA operations, programmes and informal requests.
Other duties/additional tasks
• Assists in and/or carries out other oitice activities and other tasks, as assigned

• Degree in social and human sciences (Law, Management/Administration, Economics or other related field), preferably at Masters Level.
• Relevant post graduate qualification will be an added advantage.

Professional experience
• Minimum 5 years’ professional experience in a comparable position in Development Programmes
• Knowledge and experience of strategic planning
• Knowledge and experience of office administrative procedures
• With experience in the governance sector especially in anti-corruption, taxation, international crime as well as knowledge of regional networks will be an added advantage.
• Strong experience of running networks and knowledge of working with GIZ, Members of EAAACA and ARINEA will be an advantage

Job Education Requirements: Degree

Other knowledge, additional competences
• Sound understanding of project management
• Efficiency and reliability
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills ,
• Proficient oral and written communication skills in English and ability to speak or understand basic French will: be an added advantage.
• Excellent research and report-writing skills
• Ability to work both independently and as part of a team
• Self-motivation and strong analytical skills
• Proven administrative skills
• Good working knowledge oi lT (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, lnternet) and data management skills
• Organizational and crisis-management skills
• Monitoring and Evaluation skills
• Good experience in financial management
• Sound cross-cultural, gender—awareness, interpersonal and networking skills
• Sound knowledge of development partners processes and methodologies.
Benefits and Entitlements
Attractive remuneration and allowances, medical cover, and 36 days annual leave


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Job application procedure
All interested and qualified persons are strongly encouraged to apply by submitting their application and CV along with the rnntaas of three professional referees to The Director, Future Options Consulting ttd, by email:  ; quoting the position you are applying for and the reference N0. as the subject. Applications should be received by 5.00pm on the 7th February 2020. Please note: This is a national position. Application and Of should be in one document and a maximum of 4 pages only. No other attachments are required at this stage. Only the shortlisted candidates will be comadred. We encourage women, people with disabilities and minority groups ta apply for this position. GIZ is committed to equal opportunities and diversity of perspective at the working place. Disclaimer: GIZ and EAAACA DOES NOT tharge any kind of FEE(s) at whichever stage
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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 07 February 2020
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 24-01-2020
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 24-01-2020
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 24-01-2062
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