Individual consultant to elaborate technical briefs on IWRM and WASH in Rwanda job at Nile Basin Intitative (NBI)
538 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Individual consultant to elaborate technical briefs on IWRM and WASH in Rwanda

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Professional Services , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Nile Basin Intitative (NBI)

Deadline of this Job:
Friday, September 22 2023 

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Entebbe, East Africa

Date Posted: Friday, September 15 2023, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Nile Basin Intitative (NBI) jobs in Uganda

The Global Water Partnership (GWP) is a multi-stakeholder action network dedicated to working with countries towards the equitable, sustainable, and efficient management of their water resources. We comprise 3,000+ partner organizations in over 180 countries. Our network of 65+ Country Water Partnerships (CWPs) and 13 Regional Water Partnerships (RWPs) convenes, and brokers coordinated action by government and non-government actors. The network is supported by a Global Secretariat set up as an inter-governmental organization – the Global Water Partnership Organization (GWPO) in Stockholm, Sweden. GWP mobilizes action for water security through a unique combination of social capital, shared values, credibility within the local and global water community, bottom-up orientation, and expertise. A network of networks, we work to ensure the ‘voices of water’ can influence local, national, regional, and global development priorities. We are committed to our role as a neutral convener and respected for our focus on inclusiveness and sustainability. More information:

GWP’s Strategy 2020-2025 emphasizes the urgent need for coordinated action to advance governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development. As an action network bridging the global to the local and the local to the global, GWP seeks to lead systems changes at all levels, as they pertain to providing water solutions, effective policy and financial planning for water, and catalyzing climate-resilient development. GWP accomplishes this by initiating steps with its local partners which lead to incremental shifts, resulting in a larger system change.

As an implementing partner of FCDO’s “Global Water Leadership in a Changing Climate” (GWL) programme , GWP has designed a set of work packages to contribute to the programme’s Output 2 (Evidence, norms and standards) and Output 3 (Identifying systemic and financial constraints) for Integrated Water Resources Management, and where possible, for climate-resilient WASH services, in collaboration with UNICEF. These outputs will contribute to generating political leadership for water at the national and international levels.

GWP’s strategy for delivery of the GWL programme is based on horizontal and vertical integration, which indicates cooperation at multiple levels: between national and local stakeholders within a country; between national and global stakeholders towards international platforms; and among project partners both at the global level and within each country. It leverages GWP’s role and function on the global, regional, and national levels to bring forth a joint vision and a spectrum of impacts together with the GWL programme partners.

GWP will be contributing to the Global Water Leadership programme’s outputs through the following key activities:

• Providing grassroot perceptions of water insecurity in selected countries through a survey, complete with ground truthing of relevant data.
• Providing baseline and updated information to demonstrate the status and evolution of water and climate resilience in policies and plans in the selected countries through the establishment of a scorecard approach,
• Supporting inclusive and participatory government-led multi-stakeholder change processes to identify bottlenecks in water resource management.
• Catalyzing political uptake and implementation of the strategies and mobilizing strong global voices for water and sanitation in international platforms.
GWL programme is under implementation in seven countries including Uganda and Rwanda that are the Eastern African Countries. The coordination of GWL programme in the Eastern African Countries are coordinated by Global Water Partnership Eastern Africa (GWPEA) which is one of thirteen regional sites of GWP. Therefore, it is against of this background that GWPEA seeks to recruit an individual consultant to elaborate technical briefs on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and Water and Sanitation Hygiene (WASH) in Rwanda.

3. Main objective of the assignment
The main objective of the assignment is to develop two technical briefs on the coherence between IWRM and WASH in Rwanda with gender perspective.

The specific objectives of the assignment are to:

i. Assess the coherence between IWRM and WASH in Rwanda at various levels namely institutional coordination, policy, legal and technical. ii. Elaborate a case study for a well-defined geographic area of a selected catchment, on how to strengthen IWRM and climate resilient WASH.

4. Scope of work
The scope for activities will be as follow:
a) Assess the coherence between IWRM and WASH in Rwanda at various levels namely institutional, policy, legal and technical.
The key activities include but not limited to the following:
• Review of various policy, legal and planning documents related to IWRM and WASH in Rwanda and make an analysis of their coherence.
• Undertake a stakeholder’s mapping and conduct stakeholders’ consultations at national and local levels to get their reflections on the status of IWRM and WASH in Rwanda and their coherence.
• Produce a technical brief on the current coherence status between IWRM and WASH in Rwanda and make recommendations on how to strengthen this coherence.

b) Elaborate a case study for a well-defined geographic area of the selected catchment on how to strengthen IWRM and climate resilient, WASH.
The key activities include but not limited to the following:
• Delineate the study area and description of the physical characteristics (topography, land use, lithology, etc).
• Describe the socio-economic environment of the study area (demography, gender, poverty, water & sanitation access, etc.)
• Undertake a stakeholder’s analysis for the sub-catchment in terms of IWRM, WASH and Climate Resilience.
• Assess the climate risks and impacts within the sub-catchment.
• Produce a technical brief on how to strengthen IWRM and WASH to ensure a climate resilient in sub-catchment through a consultative process.

5. Expected outputs, Deliverables and Timeline
The consultant is expected to take a total of approximately 35 working days distributed over a period of 3 months. The client shall pay the consultant professional fees (to be determined based on agreed daily professional fee rate) against deliverables accepted by the client. Therefore, below are the expected deliverables:
a) Inception report: Detailed methodology to be applied & workplan and data needs.
b) Interim report1: Assessment report on the coherence between IWRM and WASH in
c) Interim report 2: Case study report on IWRM and climate resilient WASH in the selected catchment
d) Final report: Summary report covering all the study objectives.




Timeline (from start)

Estimated no of workdays


Inception          report:               Detailed methodology to be applied & workplan and data needs. 

10 days

 5 days


Interim report1:

•       Assessment report on the coherence between IWRM and WASH in Rwanda

•       Case study report on IWRM and WASH in the selected sub-


40 days

10 days


Interim report2: Case study report on IWRM and WASH in the selected sub-catchment

75 days

15 days


Final    report:               Summary                 report

covering all the study objectives

90 days

5 days

Interested applicant for the position is required to have the following qualifications and experiences:
• Having at least master’s degree in natural resources management, water resources management, environmental sciences, Water and sanitation, natural resources economics or related fields with at least 7 years of working experience in the field of IWRM or WASH.
• Having a very good understanding of the Rwanda’s policy and institutional set-ups in the fields of water resources management, WASH, environment, and climate change proven by previous experiences in working or collaborating with government institutions in Rwanda.
• Having completed at least three consultancy assignments related to IWRM, WASH or climate change in Rwanda.
• Excellent writing and communication skills in English and Kinyarwanda. Knowledge of French is an added advantage.
• Having high computer literacy skills.
• Being able to work in the country of assignment.

7. Reporting
The consultant will work under the guidance of GWL-Rwanda Program Coordinator and the Country Water Partnership Leadership. The consultant will also collaborate with other GWLRwanda stakeholders during his/her work.

8. Duration, Deadline and Renumerations
The overall level of effort estimated is 35-person days distributed over 3 months. The payment will be made to the account specified by the consultant, upon validation of the work required.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 84

Level of Education:
Postgraduate Degree

Job application procedure
• Application modalities and deadlines to the email
The applications files must be sent no later than 15/Sept/2023 at 12h pm EAT, with the mention of: “GWL-Rwanda individual consultant to elaborate technical briefs on IWRM and WASH in Rwanda”.
• Documents to be submitted:
i. An updated CV indicating Qualification, Employment records /experience, with also contact details of at least 3 referees. Followed by supporting documents such as copies of certificates; academic; and identity card/passport.
ii. A methodological note not exceeding two pages indicating how this consultancy will be executed. All submitted documents must be in one PDF file named the names of an applicant.

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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Friday, September 22 2023
Duty Station: Entebbe
Posted: 15-09-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 15-09-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 15-09-2077
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