Mid Term Evaluation For Foreseeing Inclusion Project job at Christian Blind Mission (CBM)
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Vacancy title:
Mid Term Evaluation For Foreseeing Inclusion Project

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Christian Blind Mission (CBM)

Deadline of this Job:
14 December 2021  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Thursday, December 09, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

Mid Term Evaluation For Foreseeing Inclusion Project: Eye health and Disability Mainstreaming in Northern Uganda 2020– 2022

CBM is an international Christian development organization, committed to improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities in the poorest countries of the world. Our vision is “an inclusive world in which all persons with disabilities enjoy their human rights and achieve their full potential”.
Based on our Christian values and over 100 years of professional expertise, CBM addresses poverty as a cause, and a consequence, of disability, and works in partnership to create an inclusive society for all. CBM has been working with partners in Uganda for over 4 decades, working across the country to prevent avoidable blindness, improve health and help people with disabilities go to school, earn a living, access health care/rehabilitation, and secure respect in their communities.
CBM currently supports Inclusive Eye Health (IEH) and Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) in Uganda.
The Project Description
The project Tittle is FORESEEING INCLUSION PROJECT: Eye health and disability mainstreaming in northern Uganda. Project Number;3925-AICS-SJH-MYP funded by Italian Agency-IADC.
The implimenting partners of the project are Saint Joseph Hospital – Kitgum and CUAMM-Arua Local Government – and it has been structured in collaboration with the Ministry of Health as well as CBM Italy.
The project aim is improving access and provision of quality inclusive eye care services both within the communities and health facilities in the districts of Kitgum, Lamwo and Arua (Acholi and West Nile sub-regions, North Uganda). In particular, it focuses on the most vulnerable groups, such as persons with disabilities, women and children.
Goal: To contribute to the reduction in the prevalence of avoidable blindness by 2021 in Uganda in line with the 4th Eye Health Action Plan 2016-2020.
Specific Objective: To improve access of quality eye care services delivery and promote Disability Mainstreaming in Kitgum, Lamwo and Arua Districts in 3 years with particular attention to persons with disabilities, women and children.
Result 1: Eye care services at primary level are strengthened in communities and refugee camps in Kitgum, Lamwo and Arua Districts.
Result 2: Specialized Eye Care services at secondary level are enhanced inside Saint Joseph’s hospital Kitgum and in Arua Regional Referral Hospital (ARRH) .
Result 3: Strengthened the governance in Eye Health Sector and Disability Mainstreaming in Northern Uganda.

Purpose of the Mid term evaluation.
The foreseeing inclusion project: Eye health and disability mainstreaming in northern Uganda ends in 2022. The partner,CBM and the donor would like the Mid-term evaluation to determine if the project design addresses the needs that were identified and to assess how well the project is being implemented to meet those specific needs. During this stage, the criteria of validity and efficiency should take precedence.
Generally the purpose is to accomplish the following;
• To identify lessons learned, good practices. This is with a view to proposing corrective measures if necessary, and providing recommendations to ensure the proper implementation of activities over the remaining time of the project.
• To analyse the relevance and the impact of the activities carried out.
• To report on the use of resources (human, material and financial) and analysis of the adequacy between the resources used and the level of results achieved.
• To identify the difficulties encountered in the implementation of the project.
• To develop projections for the achievement of the general and specific objective in the third year.
• To evaluate sustainability of the project.
• Overall the purpose of this evaluation is to establish the progress towards the achievement of the project’s results and objectives.
Scope of work
The evaluation will be conducted with the CBM supported partners implementing Eye health and disability mainstreaming in northern Uganda; St Josephs Hospital and CUAMM in the communities of Kitgum, Lamwo and Arua Districts respectively.
Specific outputs/deliverables
The consultant is expected to provide the following outputs to CBM.
• An inception report demonstrating that the consultants/researchers understand the task before commencing on the study. The inception report should clearly state the methodology, study approach and a detailed work plan
• A draft report to CBM team for feedback and input into the final report.
• A comprehensive final Mid-term report at the end of the contract including an executive summary, the methodology, the findings, conclusions and recommendations with relevant annexes to support the work.
• The consultants/researchers will submit two hard copies and a soft copy of the final report to CBM.
• Consultant’s roles and responsibilities.
• Document review of project reports for all the partners involved in the project.
• Facilitate FGDs or interviews planned.
• Conduct field data collection in the two partner project areas from the selected key stakeholders, sampled communities and respondents.
• Analyze data and generate summary reports to share with implementing partners and CBM.
• Facilitate in the partners meeting ( physical/virtual) to disseminate findings and recommendations.
• Respect the principles of inclusion, participation and interaction, involving beneficiaries and stakeholders.
Ethical considerations regarding data collection should be highlighted in the methodology. Ensure the confidentiality, do no harm approaches, and respect information sharing protocols at participating institutions.
The entire process should be completed by 31st December 2021.
1. Terms of Reference sent out to prospective consultants 7 th Dec 2021
2. Deadlines for receiving responses to Terms of Reference by interested bidders. 14th Dec 2021
3. Signing of Contract and commencement of assignment 16th Dec 2021
4. Submission of evaluation work plan/inception report: This will include a specific outline of the evaluation, finalized learning questions; it will identify sampling, timing data collection, quality control measurements and methodology. The inception report will be reviewed and approved prior to any data collection. 18 th Dec 2021
5. Submission and presentation of draft report: Submit draft report and make a presentation to selected team 14thJan 2022
6. CBM provides feedback to the report 21st Jan 2022
7. Final report: Provide 2 bound hardcopies and a soft copy of the final evaluation report with recommendations incorporated, supporting tables and graphs, visuals and appendices as per the requirements.**11 th Feb 2021**
8. Required profile of Consultant/team
The team will be led by a team leader with at least a Master’s Degree and extensive experience in conducting evaluation studies working with a team of research assistants. Suitable applicants to conduct this study should demonstrate the following expertise and competencies:
• Demonstrated practical experience in quantitative and qualitative research in the Health / social sectors.
• Demonstrated experience in Monitoring and Evaluation approaches.
• Experience working with Health institutions as well as NGOs.
• Demonstrated high level of professionalism and ability to work independently under tight deadlines.
• Excellent meeting facilitation and stakeholder engagement skills.
• Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
• Proven record of carrying out similar tasks.
• Excellent knowledge in statistical packages like SPSS, STATA.
• 9. Payment terms
• 40% on signing of contract and presentation of an inception report.
• 30% upon presentation of the draft evaluation report .
• 30% upon delivery of the final evaluation report .

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Job application procedure
Expression of Interest must include a technical proposal (maximum 3 pages) that elaborates a work plan, proposed methodology, summary profile of the applicant with contacts (Full CV should be put in the annex). A finance proposal covering consultancy fees only can be inserted at end of the technical proposal. Applications must be received by Tuesday, 14th December 2021 not later than 1.00 pm, at CBM offices located on Plot 4, Upper Kololo Terrace, opposite Protea Hotel new entrance or emailed to: procurement.uganda@cbm.org Please note that applications must be submitted in hard copies or soft copy marked/email titled: MID TERM EVALUATION FOR FORESEEING INCLUSION PROJECT Bid.

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 14 December 2021
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 09-12-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 09-12-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 09-12-2065
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