National Result Lead Job at SESIL (Strengthening Education Systems for Improved Learning) - Career Opportunity in Uganda
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Vacancy title:
National Result Lead


Jobs at:
SESIL (Strengthening Education Systems for Improved Learning)

Deadline of this Job:
22nd March 2019  

Duty Station:
Kampala , Uganda , East Africa , 00256 , UG

Date Posted: 18th March 2019 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed , Employment Type: Full_Time , Currency: UGX , Value: 1000000 , Minimum: 700000 , Maximum: 3000000 , Period: MONTH


  Project Profile
SESIL (Strengthening Education Systems for Improved Learning), is a four-year education programme designed to improve the quality and equity of measurable learning outcomes at lower primary level in Uganda. SESIL is doing this by strengthening the systems needed to manage and raise the performance of four key drivers of learning outcomes: teachers, schools, districts, and assessment and examinations.
Working with the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES), with funding provided by the UK's Department of International Development, and managed by Cambridge Education, SESIL is supporting the realisation of two of the MOES' three strategic objectives as outlined in its Education Sector Plan (ESSP) 2017/18 - 2019/20, specifically:
Strategic Objective 2:
Enhanced quality and relevant education and training
Strategic Objective 3:
Efficient and effective delivery of education and sports. Expected results are:
• An increase in proficiency in literacy and numeracy scores at primary grade 3 level.
• An increase in the number of girls and boys completing the first four grades of primary school.
The programme is working with and through the MoES, other central agencies, and with local governments in around 10 districts and two municipalities in West Nile and in the eastern region of Uganda. Managing for results (M4R) lies at the heart of SESIL's approach. MGR involves working with stakeholders across the education system to identify and understand what currently prevents elements within the system from working efficiently. And, once identified, to come up with solutions to address these inefficiencies.
SESIL is delivering a range of interventions to support districts to improve learning for all children through M4R. The interventions are made up of inter-connected and mutually dependent activities which, in combination, will strengthen district education systems in a lasting and sustainable way. The main areas of development involve four main groups of stakeholders: district managers, school leaders and teachers, as well as parents and communities. Mott MacDonald invites applications from suitably qualified, persons for the following positions;
2. National Result Lead (job ref: 37266BR),
Based in Kampala..


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Job application procedure
For job descriptions and how to apply, please go to:  > browse by country, select Uganda.


Job Info
Job Category: Corporate / Organisation Specialist jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 22nd March 2019
Duty Station: Rwanda
Posted: 18-03-2019
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 18-03-2019
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 18-03-2065
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