Program Coordinator job at Caritas
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1015 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Program Coordinator

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

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Deadline of this Job:
29 May 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Fortportal , East Africa

Date Posted: Monday, May 23, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Caritas jobs in Uganda

Caritas Fort Portal - HEWASA with extended support from Caritas International Belgium is implementing Protection and Economic Strengthening interventions in Kyaka Il Refugees Settlement to enhance income and protection among the refugees and the host community for 18 Months from January 2022. Caritas Fort Portal- HEWASA would like to recruit suitably qualified personnel to fill the following position to be based in the field. This role is directly managed by Caritas International Belgium Uganda (CIBe) in support of the partners.
Job title: Program Coordinator
Report to: Country Representative for Caritas Belgium
Location: Kyaka Il Refugee Settlement, Kyegegwa District & Kyangwali Settlement, Hoima
Duty station: Fort Portal
The Program Coordinator (PC) is expected to oversee the implementation of projects by local partners, provide technical guidance and support partners, coordinate and network with external stakeholders, coordinate and consolidate program reports from partners. The role also carries out project site visits and produces detailed reports to inform CIBe and the partners about the progress of the project. The PC facilitates the collection of base line and end line data for the projects, and helps in the development of the relevant MEAL tools. The PC supports the fundraising initiatives by preparing project proposal documents. A detailed job description will be provided.

• Experience and technical competencies
• Degree in development studies, international relations, economics, sociology, agronomy or other relevant fields.
• Minimum 3 years of experience in implementing emergency and/or development projects (with a focus on Humanitarian Protection of the most vulnerable (Gender, Child Protection, Environment) and Food Security and Livelihoods) within international NGO's and management of funds for international donors.
• Experience working with institutional donors (DGD, ECHO, EU, and UN agencies)
• Excellent knowledge of MS Word and MS Excel, plus Clean Driver's licence.
• Proven capacity in project management and innovation, for setting up a project management system and for identifying dysfunctions and in improving the project in all its aspects
• Proven capacity in building the capacity of the partners in an advisory role and those under their leadership plus Integrity and Ethics
• A good team player with Proficiency in project planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation Ability to draft and deliver concise, high quality project proposals, narrative and financial reports within the set-out time-frame and Ability to work under pressure.
• Problem solving: you need to display an ability to take quick, logical and analytical approach to solving problems.
• Communication: being clear and concise and focused, being able to tailor your message for the audience and listening to the views of others
• Knowledge of the local languages spoken by South Sudanese, Rwandese and Congolese refugees is an asset.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 36

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
Interested and qualified applicants should submit their applications with an updated resume in pdf to the Executive Director Caritas Fort Portal - HEWASA, P.O. Box 90, FortPortal OR hand deliver to the Secretary's Office behind Virika Cathedral on Virika Hill or send on email address: not later than 29TH May 2022. Any form of lobbying and influence peddling will lead to automatic disqualification.

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Job Info
Job Category: Corporate / Organisation Coordinator jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 29 May 2022
Duty Station: Fortportal
Posted: 23-05-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 23-05-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 23-05-2065
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