Project Coordinator Job at Africa 2000 Network Uganda ( A2N ) - Career Opportunity in Uganda
2168 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Project Coordinator


Jobs at:
Africa 2000 Network Uganda ( A2N )

Deadline of this Job:
12th April 2019  

Duty Station:
Bududa , Uganda , East Africa , 00256 , UG

Date Posted: 5th April 2019 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed , Employment Type: Full_Time , Currency: UGX , Value: 1000000 , Minimum: 700000 , Maximum: 3000000 , Period: MONTH


Title: Project Coordinator
Duty station: Bududa, supporting project activities in the Entire Manafwa River watershed
Duration: 4 Years, subject to successfully meeting 6 months, probation period
The Project Coordinator is a position within A2N Uganda and the incumbent will be responsible for providing strategic leadership to the project, coordinate the implementation of activities, and report on results..

Tasks and responsibilities
The project Coordinator shall ,
• Provide strategic guidance to the project staff according to the designed and agreed strategy
• Prepare work plans in orderto guarantee and coordinate the smooth implementation of the project
• Compile project technical and financial reports on a regular basis as may be required
• Mobilize and sensitize farming communities and other stakeholders about the project goals and strategies
• Design, organize and facilitate training courses to address identified training needs of farmer groups
• Build strategic partnerships with other organizations and institutions within the project area
• Represent the project in seminars and meetings and prepare presentations and briefs/notes
• Supervise project staff and appraise their performance in line with A2N-Uganda HR Policy
• Ensure proper use of project funds and other assets in line with the A2N Uganda's project guidelines

  Qualifications and experience
• A Masters degree related to either Agriculture or Environmental science/management
• Demonstrable skills and experience in project management (human and financial)
• At least 6 years working experience with farmer communities and natural resource management
• Excellent skills for networking and collaboration at local and international levels
• Excellent communication and report writing skills in English
• Demonstrable skills and competences of working with diverse multidisciplinary teams

Other desirable skills & qualities
• High integrity, honesty and intrinsic motivation for sustainable rural development in Uganda
• Possession of a PhD in a relevant field or demonstrable research affinity
• Ability to provide extension sen/ices to both male and female farmers
• Experience in interdisciplinary development projects, preferably also with international staff
• Experience in organizing stakeholders’ meetings and workshops at district and watershed levels
• Able to speak Lugisu


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Job application procedure
Please submit your application comprising of a letter explaining your motivation in applying for this job (max 2 pages), your CV (max 4 pages) and copies of academic papers and testimonials to:  or deliver hard copies addressed to; The Executive Director of Africa 2000 Network Uganda (Plot 70 Bukuto Street, Kamwokya, Lower Kololo; P0 Box 21990, Kampala).

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Job Info
Job Category: Corporate / Organisation Coordinator jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 12th April 2019
Duty Station: Bududa
Posted: 05-04-2019
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 05-04-2019
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 05-04-2062
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