Social Development Specialist Job at Ministry of Lands Housing and Urban Development (MoLHUD) - Career Opportunity in Uganda
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Vacancy title:
Social Development Specialist

Jobs at:
Ministry of Lands Housing and Urban Development (MoLHUD)

Deadline of this Job:
5th September 2018

Duty Station:
Kampala, Uganda

Date Posted: 24th August 2018 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed , Employment Type: Full-Time

JOB DETAILS:The Ministry of Lands Housing and Urban Development (MoLHUD) has received additional funding from the World Bank to implement the Uganda Support to Municipal Infrastructure Development Programme. USMID-AF. The USMID —AF will finance municipal infrastructure development in 22 selected municipalities and 8 districts hosting refugees.
The aforementioned activities have social impacts that will require management in line with the relevant policies, laws, regulations and guidelines of the Republic of Uganda. Such include potential social risks associated with (i) land acquisition and physical/economic displacement, (ii) influx oi labor into municipalities during construction activities, (iii) exclusion of vulnerable groups from Program benefits, (iv) and the risk of social tension in the community due to lack of access to a functioning grievance redress and limited community engagement, (v) potential conflict between host communities and refugees over land use/rights MoLHUD would like to recruit a Social Development Specialist who shall be part of the USMID Programme Support Team. He/she will be responsible for managing social risks and all aspects of social management in the programme. The Social Development Specialist will work closely with the implementing entities and PST to otter proactive solutions to mitigate risks and negative impacts from the project. He/she shall carry out the duties in close liaison with the Environment and Social Management Specialist, the Municipal Infrastructure Development Specialist, and other Specialists in the PST and MoLHUD.

Job Title: Social Development Specialist

Function: To provide technical Support to MLHUD and the local governments to undertake the Social Risk Management and Safeguard aspects in accordance with the National Laws, Regulations and the World Bank Safeguard Policies and Guidelines.

Terms of Employment : Individual Consultant/ Member Programme Support Team
Reports to: Project Coordinator /USMID-AF
Duration of Contract: One year renewable over the programme period upon satisfactory performance
Duly Station: Kampala, with frequent travels to USMID—AF project area.


  • Work closely with the Environment Specialist, USMID—AF, Project Sociologist and Environmental Specialist-ARSDP and the MoLHUD Sociologists to a) implement the Resettlement Policy Framework and World Bank Safeguard Policies b) identify project related social risks and support implementation of related social risk management actions.
  • Review the planning and procurement procedures to ensure that (i) the social requirements are included and costed in contract documents, (ii) social safeguards milestones are included in the contractor's certificates for payment, and (iii) social conditions of approval on the NEMA certificate and other statutory approvals are well considered.
  • Supervise and monitor the preparation, and implementation of the Contractor's Social Management Plan, including amongst others: prevention of gender based violence and violence against children, management of temporary labor influx risks and compliance to employment law, STDs HlV/ AIDS prevention and mitigation plans. The latter will include support to the development of Terms of Reference tor service providers, ensure input to ToR trom the Uganda AIDS Commission and support the establishment of necessary linkages to and guidance from relevant Local Government units and related HIV/AIDS points of care as well as other broad social risks that may arise from or by the project. in addition, continuously support continuous Social impact Assessment (SIA) during implementation to inform and feed into ESMPs.
  • Work closely with the MLHUD Chief Government Values’ Office and other relevant Agencies to supervise implementation of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), Physical Cultural Resources Management Plans (PCRMs), Livelihood Restoration Plans (LRPs) and Community Development Action Plans (CDAPs)and review progress reports by Local Governments (e.g. Involuntary resettlement, livelihood restoration and support to vulnerable groups, HIV and AIDS, Gender, child protection, safety and OSH), to ensure that they are in compliance with the relevant legal and policy framework. in addition, this will include ensuring collaboration/partnership with MoGLSD, the Uganda AIDS Commission (UAC), Office of the Prime Minister (DPM), and relevant District actors (including those implementing programs for refugees/host communities) in the delivery of the above and provision of compliance support for relevant policies on social issues.
  • Support the development of a structured project stakeholder engagement plan, with clear timelines and approaches and supervise the preparation and implementation of the Grievance Management Plan. This will include support to the establishment of and enhancing the capacity of Grievance Redress Committees (GRC) to report, refer and follow up closure of grievances related to the project including those resulting from involuntary resettlement and injurious affection due to USMID AF projects. The complaints handling process should not be limited to involuntary resettlement but to a wide range of social risks related to the project. This will also ensure strengthening of clear documentation oi the stakeholder engagement and managing potential complaint/ conflicts in all the sub-projects/ municipalities/districts.
  • Review all USMID AF reports to ensure that social including safeguards are well identified and recommendations/ actions to address them clearly reflected and followed up.
  • Ensure the clarity, robustness and completeness of necessary social mitigation plans, including RAPS, LRP and other social action plans.
  • Sensitize staff and other Stakeholders including contractors and communities on the Safeguards requirements for USMID AF infrastructure projects; including the rights and obligations of all the parties involved. This will include sensitization on the importance of identifying and addressing all social issues that may negatively result out of project implementation. Examples include increased socio-economic disparities Including poverty and gender inequalities, discrimination, exploitation and marginalization of vulnerable/minority groups, sexual abuse of young girls and harassment of women, increased sexual networks that could contribute to gender based violence and family break up in addition to spread of STI’s/HIV in the project area among others. Referral systems for survivors of Violence Against Children (VAC) and GBV should be established and linked to the project GRM.
  • Participate in routine supervision of works, to ensure compliance with social safeguard policies, laws and related national policies as required as well as planned mitigation measures. This will include collaboration with key government actors to promote compliance by all contractors to all pertaining labor laws including establishment of a zero-tolerance workplace program to all forms of sexual harassment. The latter will include education of workers on their rights and responsibilities, display of key policy provisions, ensuring that the contractors comply with the requirement to establish a program to prevent and mitigate sexual harassment as provided for in the Uganda Employment Act among others.
  • Support municipalities and other implementing agencies in dissemination of information regarding addressing the social impact of infrastructure projects to users and residents prior to, during and after the execution of works.
  • Participate in all site meetings and provide technical guidance on the above-mentioned areas among other social related concerns.
  • Prepare regular and ad hoc Social reports for management action, discuss with the project management, implementing agencies and World Bank as may be required
  • Review the performance of the Supervising Consultant with regard to enforcing social contractual requirements, closely working with the project managers, to ensure that the agreed social safeguards and risk management actions/requirements are met before payments are approved.
  • Contribute to the development of new tools and methodologies for addressing social risks and impacts in all related projects
  • Disseminate good practices in social risk management in the infrastructure and road projects
  • Carry out baseline, beneficiary satisfaction and social accountability/citizen engagement surveys in project areas.
  • Plan and take part in Training of key technical staff of participating Local Governments in Environment screening, social management and Resettlement Policy Framework management, Child Protection, gender responsiveness.
  • Perform any other related duties as may be assigned from time to time by management


  • A University Degree in Social Sciences or related discipline e.g. Sociology, SWASA, Anthropology, Development Studies.
  • A Master's Degree in Social Development area, including but not limited to Social Work and Social Administration, Sociology, Women and Gender Studies, or any other related Social Science Discipline.
  • Experience and skills in undertaking social assessments, developing plans and supporting social action plan implementation.
  • Knowledge and experience in stakeholder analysis, engagement and managing conflicts
  • Experience and training in management of social aspects of infrastructure development will he an added advantage.
  • Six (6) years‘ experience in social development work including three (3) years on donor funded infrastructure development projects with demonstrated understanding of Environmental and Social Safeguards policy requirements.
  • Experience in handling similar assignments in Uganda or in the African region is an added advantage.
  • Knowledge of World Bank social and environment safeguard systems will be an added advantage
  • Proficiency in the English language is a must (both written and oral).
  • Ability to travel often to the project sites and work with minimal supervision.
  • Verifiable track-record of integrity and professionalism while undertaking similar assignments.

Job application procedure

  • All applications including Curriculum Vitae (CVs), copies of academic certificates and testimonials, copies of previous contracts and appointment letters from previous and current employers should be attached and addressed to; The Permanent Secretary Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development and delivered to Room 17 First Floor.
  • Please get a detailed advert for the above position, and how to apply from the following websites;  Deadline for submission of Applications is 5th September, 2018.
Job Info
Job Category: Corporate / Organisation Specialist jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 5th September 2018
Duty Station: Kampala, Uganda
Posted: 24-08-2018
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 24-08-2018
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 24-08-2063
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