Terms Of Reference For Mityana District Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan II (FPCIP II) tendering job at Action 4 Health Uganda (A4HU)
519 Days Ago
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1. About Action 4 Health and TeamUp Project

1.1. Action 4 Health Uganda (A4HU) is a non-government organisation whose mandate is to empower young people and communities in Uganda to effectively achieve and enjoy their Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) and well-being. As part of A4HU’s efforts to address the SRH challenges faced by young people, districts within which A4HU works are supported to develop new, more effective, and integrated approaches to managing and tracking public and private programs and financing for SRHR and Family Planning. Under the "TeamUp Uganda" project, A4HU, with funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) seeks to work with Mityana District Local Government to develop its second Costed Implementation Plan (CIP) for Family Planning (2023-2027). This is aimed at enhancing the scale of financing, guiding and strengthening the quality of Family Planning service delivery in the district within the next 5 years.

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This will be a follow-up to the first Costed Implementation Plan for Mityana District Local government, which focussed on the following;
• Increasing age-appropriate information, access to, and use of family planning amongst women of reproductive ages.
• Promoting and nurturing change in social and individual behaviour to address myths, misconceptions, and side effects of family planning commodities and to improve the acceptance and continued use of family planning to prevent unintended pregnancies.
• Implementing task sharing or shifting to increase access to family planning commodities, especially for rural and underserved populations.
• Mainstreaming the implementation of family planning policy, interventions, and delivery of services in multisectoral domains to facilitate a holistic contribution to social and economic transformation.
• Improving forecasting, procurement, and distribution of family planning commodities and ensuring total financing for commodity security in the public and private sectors.

2.0 Aims and Objectives of this assignment:
This assignment aims to develop a FP-CIP that will give strategic direction to Mityana District Local Government’s efforts to address the unmet need for Family Planning in the district for the next five years (2023- 2027).

2.1 The specific objectives are to:
1. Develop a Family Planning Implementation Plan (FP CIP II) for Mityana District Local Government with the following aspects clearly spelt out.
a) Targets, interventions, and strategies for implementing, monitoring, and evaluating FP programmes in the district for the next 5 years.
b) Costing of the proposed interventions/activities.
c) Identify potential bottlenecks and strategies for countering them.
2. Make proposals for strengthening the functionality of leadership of Family Planning service providers and coordination structures, accountability platforms, multisectoral linkages across sectors, and promoting the involvement of critical stakeholders such as the Inter-Religious Council, youth platforms, academia and researchers, elders’ forums, and cultural institutions.
3. Provide benchmarks and indicators that can be used to monitor and support FP programming in Mityana district for the next 5 years.
4. Design strategies for mobilising resources for Family planning and improving the participation of multisectoral stakeholders in Family Planning activities.

To achieve this, we propose that the consultant uses, among other methodologies, a consultative process that will involve the identification of the root causes of bottlenecks to FP, innovations, and priorities for Family Planning in Mityana district for the next 5 years. We suggest using a hybrid method, i.e., qualitative and quantitative methods, to generate the required information for guiding the implementation of Family Planning Interventions and addressing bottlenecks to FP provision and utilization in Mityana over the next 5 years.

3.0 Key Deliverables
3.1 This assignment’s key deliverable includes, but are not limited to:
1. A detailed inception report with precise methodology, conceptual framework, and costed work plan for developing the FP CIP II. This should detail the assessment data collection tools and proposed sources of information.
2. A situational analysis report summarizing relevant regional and national milestones and aspirations for Family Planning.
3. A draft costed FP-CIP (2023-2027) with clear targets, implementation strategies, performance monitoring plan, and dissemination plan to be used for validation and consensus building with stakeholders.
4. A summary (16-slide max) outline of the new FP-CIP in PowerPoint format; to guide high-level presentation to the CIP.
5. A one-pager snapshot of the new FP-CIPII for quick communication by the District Health Department and partners without referring to the main document.

4.0 Roles and Responsibilities of A4HU
4.1 A4HU shall play the following roles during the development of the FP-CIPII.
• Provide funds to the consultant.
• Where required, mobilize resourceful persons for consultation.
• Review and approve the inception reports and tools.
• Organise a validation workshop to enhance the FP-CIP.
• Jointly review and approve the FP-CIP final draft with the district.

5.0 Reporting structure
5.1 The consultant will ultimately report to the CEO of A4HU, who will be working jointly with a representative of Mityana District local government appointed by the CAO. The consultant will interact with the Project Manager TeamUP Uganda project based in Mityana District or his appointee.

6.0 Timeline & Fees Payment Schedule
The successful consultant will work for a maximum of 60 calendar days and must deliver the final product within this timeline. The consultant(s) will receive their fees as per the schedule below:



Deliverables completed  



10  workdays

• Final reviewed concept/inception report. 



15  workdays

• Final desk review report on current regional approaches to family planning. 



35        work


•       Submission of reviewed and accepted Final costed FP CIP II 

•       Submission of PowerPoint slides and information products on FP


7. Qualification of the prospective consultant (Who are we looking for?)
We are looking at engaging a multi-skilled team of experts in health development, health economics, and public health with the following minimum qualifications and attributes:
• The Team Leader should hold a Ph.D. in public health, biostatistics, health research, or health economics. Other team members should have, at minimum, a master’s degree in public health, demography, or training in Reproductive Health at the level of a master’s degree. Higher postgraduate qualifications will be an added advantage.
• Technical expertise with over ten years of experience and knowledge in health strategic planning, conducting costing studies, and developing country strategy documents in
LMICs. A proven track record working with public sector ministries, e.g., MoH, is essential.
• Demonstrated expertise in quantitative and qualitative methodologies, research, and analysis.
• A deep understanding of Uganda’s healthcare system, government policy-making processes, and evidence of work in Family Planning and community interventions.
• Experience in developing FP-CIPs or costed health strategies with high professional standards and conduct, with the ability to deliver high-quality work in short periods, delivering on time, working with minimum supervision, and tolerance to negative but constructive feedback.
• Excellent organizational and analytical skills, synthesizing complex information into high-quality reports with easy-to-understand text for various audiences.
• Professional negotiation, problem-solving, and communication skills; good team player with experience in stakeholder engagement, including group facilitation to reach a consensus.
• Fluency in spoken English, Luganda and excellent writing skills in English are required. Strong written and verbal communication skills evidenced by written, high-quality reports of similar rigor. Ability to write for diverse audiences and stakeholders.

8. Evaluation and selection criteria.
This assignment is expected to commence on the 1st of November 2023. However, Action 4 Health Uganda, on behalf of the task team and in consultation with Mityana District Local government, reserves the right to extend or cancel the assignment with notification to shortlisted bidders.
• All applications will be evaluated on a weighting scoring method on technicality (80%) and financial criteria (20%). Applicants will be short-listed for interview based on their qualifications, experience, and quality of the submitted technical and financial proposals.

• Only shortlisted applicants will be invited for interview.
The award of the contract will be made to the team whose offer has been evaluated and determined as follows:
a. Responsive, compliant, acceptable, and
b. Having received the highest score from a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

Evaluation Criteria  


Financial evaluation criteria 


Technical Evaluation Criteria (Total = 80%) 


• Qualifications and experience in similar works 


• Approach paper/ plan  


• Interview 




Please submit your costed work plan detailing how you would approach this assignment, 2–3-page resumes from each member, and details of crucial works- with links to these reports. Complete application pack should be submitted electronically to Action 4 Health Uganda email: jobs@a4huganda.org Subject line: Development of Mityana FP CIP II 2023 -2027. The latest time to receive applications is 13th October 2023, 5 PM EAT.
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Friday, October 13 2023
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 03-10-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 03-10-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 03-10-2077
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