1.1 Introduction
ZOA with funding from GIZ has implemented a fourteen-month Green Energy-Solar project ending in July 2023 in West Nile in the districts of Madi-Okollo and Terego. This project sought to improve economic, social, health and environmental well-being by providing sustainable approaches to increase the uptake and use of solar products by refugees and host communities in Terego and Madi-Okollo districts. The project adopted various strategies to increase Awareness, Availability and Affordability of solar products.
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ZOA Uganda jobs in Uganda
ZOA seeks a consultant to complete an endline survey to report on final indicators as well as to conduct an evaluation of the project assessing the effectiveness and sustainability of strategies adopted by the project.
Overall: The well-being of refugees and host communities improved (economic, social, and health-improved)
o Outputs:
Awareness of solar products among refugees and host communities increased
The availability of solar products improved
The affordability of solar products improved
2. Purpose of the endline Evaluation
Overall, the purpose of this evaluation is to assess the extent to which the solar green energy project has attained its objectives and identify key learnings to inform similar interventions in the future.
Specifically, the evaluation aims to:
o Impact and Effectiveness questions:
o Solar Product Uptake and Adoption:
o Supply Side Interventions:
o Demand Side Interventions:
o Partnerships and Solar Company Engagement:
3. Methodological approach to the endline evaluation
The consultant will develop a comprehensive evaluation methodology based on the OECD DAC evaluation criteria, and this will be confirmed and refined by the ZOA team during the inception phase. Triangulation of techniques is preferred with focus on;
Desk Review and Context Analysis: Carefully analyse existing data and information from secondary sources including policy documents, programme documents, activity reports, periodic project reports, past reviews and evaluations.
Quantitative Primary Data Collection: adopting and adapting existing baseline survey tools.
Qualitative Primary Data Collection: through interviews, focus group discussions, key informant interviews and other participatory methods (triangulation of techniques is encouraged). This should cover both direct and indirect beneficiaries of the Green Energy-solar project in the two districts.
Costs Analysis: to answer the questions related to efficiency, the consultant is required to provide a detailed analysis of the cost drivers associated with the project.
4. Timeframe and deliverables
The consultant will summarize the endline evaluation work plan according to the table below. The final report of the endline evaluation report shall tentatively be submitted to ZOA Uganda Country office not later than 28th July-2023.
Main Activity Start date End date Responsibility of
ToR advert March 31st June 18th ZOA HR dept.
Selection and Contracting June 19th June 21st ZOA HR dept.
Document review & Inception report submitted June 22nd June 27th Consultant
Inception Meeting & discussion June 29th Consultant
Incorporate feedback into the inception and re-submit June 30th Consultant
Training of research assistants and field data collection July 3rd July 12th Consultant & ZOA
Report writing & Submission of 1st draft report July 13th July 20th Consultant
Review 1st draft report & shared it back with the Consultant July 24th ZOA team
Consultant responds to comments in 1st draft report July 25th July 26th Consultant
Validation meeting July 27th Consultant & ZOA
Submission of final evaluation report July 28th Consultant
5. Budget
All costs related to the endline evaluation will be submitted to ZOA by the consultant in form of financial proposal in response to these ToR. Payment will be issued in instalments and final payment to the consultant will be made after the final evaluation report has been approved by ZOA Uganda. The budget should cover costs for: professional fees, costs related to field operations, transportation among other
6. Division of Responsibilities
7. Resources
The evaluation will make reference to all other project documents including but not limited to proposal, workplan, budget, activity report, periodic reports, survey reports and other literature from similar interventions
8. Expected Outputs/Deliverables
The Consultant should deliver the following:
1. Inception Report: This should include: a detailed evaluation methodology, data collection tools and techniques, work plan, team composition, proposed timeline, and a preliminary table of contents that outlines the structure of the final report.
2. Draft Report: A draft report of the endline evaluation should highlight results from the data collected. The report should include a list of stakeholders interviewed, and graphical map showing data collection points (e.g., referenced to Kobo)
3. Dissemination meeting of findings: The consultant will present to project team and potentially other stakeholders on the survey findings and will address the feedback from the internal validation meeting.
4. Sumamry of findings as: PowerPoint presentation of draft findings.
5. Final Report: Covers all key aspects of the evaluation and shall be submitted to ZOA Uganda. The body of the final report is expect to be on not more than 30 pages and contents of the draft and final report are assumed to be the same.
6. Raw Data and Study Resources: The consultant shall annex all-relevant documents related to the assessment. He/she will also submit; 1) raw data and 2) cleaned data used for the analysis, 3) a 10-page summary report, 4) a 15-slide PowerPoint (PPT), and a detailed assessment report not exceeding 30 pages (Excluding preliminary pages).
The consultant is accountable for the property rights of all primary data/information generated as a result of this evaluation.
All written documents will be submitted in English in Microsoft word/excel and pdf in soft copy.
1. Consultancy Requirement
The lead consultant must be a senior expert in conducting and facilitating evaluations, studies &/or surveys on large and complex programs, holding a minimum of a master's degree in social science, Development studies, Economics, Rural Development or a related subject and practical knowledge in conducting evaluations, surveys.
The consultant/consulting firm need to have the following key competencies, experiences, and skills:
1. Application Process and Requirement
The interested applicants on the consultancy services should adhere to the following application process and requirements:
The consultant/consulting firm must submit both technical and detailed financial proposals to ZOA Uganda via CV Selection online not later than 18th June 2023.
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