Trainer job at Caritas Austria
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802 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Education]

Jobs at:
Caritas Austria

Deadline of this Job:
12 January 2023

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Rhino Camp , East Africa

Date Posted: Thursday, December 22, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Caritas Austria jobs in Uganda

The Project “Leave No One Behind – Restore livelihoods of the most vulnerable amid Covid-19 pandemic and beyond in Uganda and South Sudan”

“Leave No One Behind” is an ADA consortium project with Caritas Austria, Light for the World International and 4 local partner organizations in Uganda and South Sudan. The project is located in Uganda and South Sudan and the project activities are implemented by four implementing organizations (Caritas Gulu Archdiocese, Light for the World International, together with Uganda Red Cross Society, Salesians of Don Bosco Gumbo, Paul Society-Juba). The offices in Uganda are in Kampala and Gulu, whereas the offices in South Sudan are in Juba.

Caritas Austria is responsible for the overall co-ordination and its office is located in Vienna.

From 20-24. February an learning event is taking place for the partners, which will take place in Gulu, Uganda. The training on psychosocial support is planned for 21st February 2023 (afternoon session, 4 hours).

The scope of the training should include:

Understanding psychosocial well-being

Vulnerability: understand what makes program beneficiaries vulnerable

  • Identify the underlying causes of vulnerability and corresponding solutions

Understanding psychosocial well-being, mental stress and trauma, care and support

  • Explain the key terms in psychosocial support terms well-being, mental stress and trauma, psychosocial care and support
  • Identify factors for mental stress and traumas and conditions for mental health within the program
  • Methodologies for identification and understanding and response to psychosocial support needs

Project staff and community support

Coping and resilience

  • Define coping and resilience
  • Explain factors affecting coping and resilience
  • Explain coping mechanisms for staff working and people living in difficult environments
  • Give practical examples

Context on the program “Leave No One Behind”

  • Identify and explain practices of psychosocial support within the program context
  • Strengthen participants’ capacity to identify and respond to psychosocial needs in the work environment

Required profile:

The contractor:

  • Has a solid academic qualification in the targeted field of the training
  • Has solid and evidence-based experience in humanitarian aid and emergencies response (preferable in Uganda and South Sudan)
  • Has solid and evidence-based experience in psychosocial and trauma healing activities
  • Experience in developing curricula and in facilitating capacity strengthening sessions for adults in the NGO sector
  • Has an excellent command of English
  • Is resident in Uganda or South Sudan

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 24

Level of Education:
Associate Degree

Job application procedure
Interested trainers are requested to send a “Letter of Interest” no later than Thursday, 12th January 2023 to the program coordinator Denise Wilfinger (

It should include:

  • Description of planned training implementation (topics, methodologies used)
  • Schedule of activities
  • Trainer’s fees
  • Trainer’s CV and/or company profile
  • Confirmation that the trainer will carry out the training in accordance with the Terms of Reference

In accordance with Caritas Austria’s procurement rules a selection committee with qualified members will select the best offer regarding price and quality. Price and quality will be weighted with 60% (price) and 40 % (quality). The successful bidder will be informed within 8 working days after the deadline for submission of offers.

Before carrying out the training, a contract (based on the ToR for the external trainer) has to be signed between Caritas Austria and the respective trainer company (n.b.: for ADA funded project only Caritas Austria is authorised to sign).

The training contract shall be drafted by the trainer and shall:

  • Be written in English
  • Include these ToR as an annex and integral part of the contract
  • Contain a confirmation that the trainer has read ADA’s general conditions (if applicable – for ADA funded projects)

All documents for the application can be downloaded here: Password: LeaveNoOneBehind

Annex 1 Terms of Reference for an psychosocial support training

Annex 2 Tender application template

Annex 3 Short description project

Workplan (see in ToR)

Requests for clarifications can be sent to Denise Wilfinger, Program Coordinator “Leave No One Behind” in Uganda and South Sudan, no later than 12.January 2023, 23.00 Austrian Time

All Jobs

31 December 2022

Job Info
Job Category: Education/ Academic/ Teaching jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 12 January 2023
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 22-12-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 22-12-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 22-12-2077
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