Capital Markets Authority
Capital Markets Authority
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What We Do
The CMA Act prescribes the following as the functions of the Authority:
To approve prospectuses and other offering documents under which securities are offered to the public and to approve information memorandum;
To develop all aspects of the capital markets with particular emphasis on the removal of impediments to, and the creation of incentives for,long term investments in productive enterprise;
To create, maintain and regulate, through implementation of a system in which the market participants are self-regulatory to the maximum practicable extent, of a market in which securities can be issued and traded in an orderly, fair and efficient manner;
To cooperate with, provide information to, conduct any investigation or inquiry for, or otherwise assist any foreign regulatory authority in the performance of its duties;
To implement regional and international standards and best practice in securities markets, securities regulation and supervision;
To protect investor interests; and
To operate the Investor Compensation Fund established by section 81.

CMA executes it’s legal mandate with the following objectives:
Promoting confidence in the capital markets
Ensuring honesty and transparency in capital markets transactions
Carrying out investor education
Protecting investors; and
Reducing systemic risk


Company Information
Contact Name: Capital Markets Authority
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: +256-414-342788/91
Contact Fax:
Since :
Company Size:
Address1: 8th Floor, Jubilee Insurance Centre