Equatorial Power
Equatorial Power
Location : Email : info@equatorial-power.com


Equatorial Power brings together a consolidated Team with a strong track record in renewable energy access.

The Team has pioneered off-grid electrification and productive use in the region and continues in this path, with substantial business model innovation focused around closing the agro-processing value gap across rural Africa.
Our business model integrates the delivery of productive energy with water purification, agro-processing services, business incubation and e-mobility; for a truly holistic approach centered around the customer and enabled by the latest technology.

We are pioneering “mini-grids 2.0” and working to validate a productive mini-grid asset class. With in-house project development, construction and operational capacity, we aim to leverage our local and international strategic corporate partnerships to scale-up our holistic, distributed utility model and accelerate rural service delivery across many more countries.

Our vision is universal access to productive electricity and clean water.
Equatorial Power believes that this can be achieved in Africa over the next 10 years. Delivering the energy-water-agroprocessing nexus is the key to a commercially viable, scalable and consumer-facing business model that can accelerate delivery of productive energy in rural areas.

Company Information
Contact Name: Equatorial Power
Contact Email: info@equatorial-power.com
Contact Phone: +256 789 327 266
Contact Fax:
Since :
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Address1: 6TH Floor, Plot 1, Kololo Hill Drive, Kampala, Uganda