Project Coordinator job at World Vision Uganda
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955 Days Ago
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Vacancy title: Project Coordinator

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

World Vision Uganda

Deadline of this Job:
15 August 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Monday, August 01, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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World Vision Uganda jobs in Uganda

The Project Coordinator will provide day to day leadership and coordination with all relevant stakeholders in the implementation of all the stages of the Uganda Malaria Elimination project: Soroti and Katakwi districts ensuring that all planned activities are implemented in a timely and efficient, and effective manner and according to the agreed World Vision Uganda, and donor guidelines. The project is intended to contribute to the elimination of malaria in the districts of Soroti and Katakwi through malaria prevention and control interventions.

Key Outputs/Responsibilities.
Project leadership and management
• Provider oversight leadership and management of project staff and partners
• Monitoring and supervision of implementation of project interventions.
• Lead and coordinate with all stakeholders, partners and sub-grantee for the project.
• Ensure implementation is within the design timelines and are aligned to MOH sector and WVU national strategy.
• Liaise with DHT, health facility leadership to ensure that data is captured and reported in MOH HMIS tools
• Organize design workshops and stakeholder engagements.
• Facilitate the process of identifying & hiring of baseline consultant including participation in reviewing research proposals from consultants.
• Liaise with M&E unit to develop qualitative and quantitative assessment data collection tools for routine data collection.
• Monitor and track timely review of documents, and secondary data collection.
• Coordinate response and feedback from NO, partners and WVU on implementation process reports.
• Lead project launch and implementation start up.
Project implementation, documentation and reporting
• Provide day to day leadership to project teams in planning, implementing and reporting of project activities as per approved DIP, and budget
• Continuously review implementation progress, work with team to develop and track catch up plans and ensure follow through.
• Guide and provide technical support to project officers and partners
• Strengthen capacity of implementing partners at village, sub county and district level
• Ensure the overall project targets and goals are achieved and sustainable
• Compile field visit and data validation reports and identify opportunities for improvement and present monthly, quarterly, bi-annual and annual reports in line with WV & donor standards
Project monitoring and evaluation
• Support effective monitoring, documentation and reporting in compliance with agreed standards
• Ensure full participation of beneficiary communities, with particular regard for those marginalized due to gender and disability, in design, monitoring and evaluation by attending community mobilizations, meetings and community trainings.
• Work closely with health specialist for the purpose of the project quality assurance
• Work closely with district biostatistician and HIA to ensure routine data capture and reporting
Finance management
• Ensure proper management of financial resources and assets in line with WV policies and donor requirements
• Support partners and sub grantees to adhere to WV finance and asset management policies
• Work with the grants unit and SO to seek approval for any proposed change to approved budget and activities prior to implementing the changes.
• Responsible for providing oversight and management of project risks – actively identify, assess, report and update project risk registers as required.
Networking and collaboration
• Engage with District and Sub County Health authorities and support the Program Managers, and RPM in managing relations with government structures and civil society coalitions
• Effectively network with local government structure and any other agencies undertaking activities in the target community and ensure that such activities are well integrated with World Vision and community activities to promote sustainability and ownership of interventions in planning and implementation.
• Identify areas for lobbying and advocacy and work with the Health, nutrition, gender and disability sector specialists and advocacy teams to respond and address the issues
• Undertake any other duties as may be assigned

Qualifications: Education/Knowledge/Technical Skills and Experience
• A minimum of 5 years’ experience implementing community health programs. Experience managing and or implementing Integrated Community Case management (ICCM) programs is strong added advantage.
• Good experience and understanding of integrated health programming
• Experience leading teams and working with partners
• Must have strong organizational skills and ability to work with diverse teams across the organization
• Excellent skills required in program assessments and design, reporting, documentation, monitoring and evaluation
• Experience working with communities; good knowledge of the public health system and structures
• Must be a creative individual with strong sense of vision, commitment and priorities
• A mature and committed Christian, able to stand above denominational diversities
• Must have strong organizational skills and an ability to work with diverse teams across considerable distances.
• Excellent communication skills (written and oral) and with strong leadership and interpersonal skills
• Bachelor’s Degree in health, nutrition, clinical studies, development studies, or related discipline.
• A Master’s Degree in Public Health is an added advantage
• Report writing skills,
• working under minimum supervision,
• Solution oriented approaches and management of diverse human resource.
• Computer Literacy
• Resource mobilization

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 60

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
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Job Info
Job Category: NGO - Non Government Organisation jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 15 August 2022
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 01-08-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 01-08-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 01-08-2066
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