Proposal Development (eSingle Form) for ECHO HIP 2023 in Uganda at The Netherlands Red Cross
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1. Title of the consultancy

Development of the full proposal (eSingle Form) for ECHO HIP 2023 in Uganda.

2. Stakeholders and lines of communication

Stakeholders: the consortium for ECHO HIP 2023 proposal in Uganda is as follows:

  • The Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC) – lead of the consortium, expertise on Disaster Preparedness
  • Uganda Red Cross Society (URCS) – implementing partner
  • Austrian Red Cross (AutRC) – partner responsible for emergency WASH preparedness

Lines of communication:

Consultant will liaise with the focal points from NLRC in country, and the focal points will liaise with other consortium partners in country (URCS and AutRC) to ensure coordination and synergies, the consultant will also (when necessary) engage with other relevant partners e.g. Belgium Red Cross.

At the NLRC HQ level (Netherlands), focal person will be EU Donor Liaison Officer.

These focal points will also link the consultant with other relevant advisors at NLRC.

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3. Context and background

The Netherlands Red Cross has ongoing ECHO-funded Actions in Uganda: (1) a 24-month project under the ECHO-HIP 2021 funded from the Disaster Preparedness (DP) budget line – ending 30th April 2023. It is implemented with a consortium of: NLRC (lead), URCS (implementing partner), and AutRC and International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) as co-partners; and (2) Year 1 of a 3-year ECHO Pilot Partnership Programme (PPP) – a global programme where IFRC is the grant holder and in Uganda it is implemented by the following consortium: with NLRC (lead), URCS (implementing partner) and AutRC (co-partner). ECHO-PPP Y1 also ends 30th April 2023, with Y2 & Y3 yet to be defined but will build on outcomes and lessons learned from ECHO-HIP 2021 and ECHO-PPP Y1.

The current ECHO-HIP 2021 focuses on: disaster preparedness and preparedness for effective response (incl. epidemic preparedness; anticipatory action; contingency planning at national & sub-national level; emergency WASH preparedness; and CVA preparedness) mainly in south west Uganda; continued advocacy on National Disaster Risk Management Bill and; a crisis modifier.

The Y1 ECHO-PPP focuses on 4 of the 5 PPP Pillars: (1) Disaster Risk Management; (2) Epidemic, Pandemic Preparedness & Response; (3) People on the Move; and (4) Cash & Voucher Assistance – with Risk, Community Engagement and Accountability cross-cutting. Content of ECHO-PPP Y1 built on ECHO-HIP 2023 – replicating strategies for (1) and (2) in a new target area.

Under HIP 2023 the consortium will apply for the Disaster Preparedness action. The DP budget line available for Uganda under HIP 2023 is 3.0 M EUR. This proposal will not aim at the full amount (final amount for the budget is to be decided upon).

The proposal will build on the two on-going ECHO-funded actions (ECHO-HIP 2021 and ECHO-PPP). Envisaged sectors of intervention are: disaster preparedness and developing and/or enhancing district multi-hazard preparedness knowledge, capacities and systems to better prepare, respond and recover from impacts of disasters (incl. epidemic preparedness; anticipatory action; contingency planning at national & sub-national level; stock prepositioning, emergency WASH preparedness; and CVA preparedness) as well as strengthening multi-hazard Early Warning Systems (including community bases surveillance) for effective and timely anticipatory or early response continued advocacy on National DRM Bill; and a crisis modifier.

It is important to mention that there are several key policies and guidelines from DG ECHO which need to be consulted for this proposal, notably the new Minimum Environment Requirements (MER Guidance ), guidance on cash transfers, disaster preparedness and other. This means that the consultant, supported by the NLRC team, needs to ensure the proposal is in line with new ECHO requirements and prepared in up-to-date ECHO formats.

5. Scope

The consultant will be hired to:

  • Develop high quality proposal for ECHO HIP 2023 in Uganda, in line with up-to-date ECHO requirements and in cooperation with relevant consortium members;
  • Ensure all the components of proposal are aligned (especially that the budget, logframe and workplan are aligned with the narrative) and advise on the budget, target beneficiaries, indicators and workplan ensuring that they are in line with DG ECHO’s guidelines and requirements; and
  • Deliver final proposal in new offline Single Form.

What is not required from the consultant:

  • Travel to the field is not required;
  • There is no needs assessment to conduct by the consultant;
  • Developing the budget is not required – it will be developed by the consortium members and led by the NLRC financial team, and cross-checked with the consultant; and
  • Uploading the proposal in APPEL and submission will be done by NLRC HQ.

6. Methodology

The consultant will:

  1. Review relevant literature and documents, including the Humanitarian Implementation plan (HIP) for Greater Horn of Africa2023 and its Technical and Policy Annexes.
  2. Review relevant ECHO policies and guidelines: including but not limited to the Guidance on the Operationalisation of the Minimum Environmental Requirements and Recommendations for EU-funded humanitarian aid; Guidance for medium-large scale multipurpose cash transfer programs; Disaster Preparedness Guidance Note to ensure alignment between this guidance and the new proposal; and ECHO Visibility guidelines.
  3. Review ECHO formats and their guidelines, e.g. Single Form guidelines (for Partnership period 2021-2027), to ensure the proposal is aligned with them.
  4. Review the proposal, assessment and activity reports and materials on the ongoing ECHO-funded Actions in Uganda (ECHO-HIP 2021, ECHO-PPP, and where relevant URCS ECHO projects through other non Red Cross partners) and retrieve useful information to be used in proposal for HIP 2023, especially in the aspect of lessons learnt and building on what is being achieved in the ongoing Actions.
  5. Review humanitarian strategies in the country, strategy (or country plans) of especially NLRC, URCS, etc. to inform the preparation and finalization of the proposal.
  6. Take into account working modalities between URCS and its partners within the humanitarian context as well as government programs.
  7. Identify, explore and highlight strategic-level synergies and complementarities with other potential ECHO HIP 2023 proposals (e.g. IOM): and where agreed write these explicitly into the proposal jointly with the consortium and based on the assessment report.
  8. Ensure clear articulation of the respective sectorial responses to promote synergies and cross referrals. Collective outcomes to be clearly defined and tracked. Ensure articulation of the triple nexus (humanitarian-development-peace) and clear linkages to development /sustainable programming based on assessment report and analysis of the consortium partners.
  9. Take into account ECHO evaluation criteria (listed in the HIP documents) to ensure the proposal addresses all of them.
  10. Work in consultation with assigned NLRC and AutRC country-based staff (focal persons).
  11. Work in consultation with NLRC HQ staff: M+E to agree on formulation of indicators, results and objectives; Financial Controller to agree on budget; technical advisors as relevant (especially in the areas of disaster preparedness and gender mainstreaming, as well as data and digitalization); and Green Response and Logistics Officer (ECHO Minimum Environmental Requirements).
  12. Work with (and report to) NLRC HQ institutional donor liaison officer.

7. Deliverables, required output and planning

As per HIP 2023 Technical Annex, deadline to submit proposals to ECHO is on 11th January 2023.

Depending on the start date of the consultant, agreement on exact dates per deliverables will be reached.

  • Start of the work and familiarization with relevant documents: preferably early- to mid-December
  • First draft to be delivered in Word version
  • Second draft to be delivered in Word version
  • Complete final proposal by latest Monday 9th of January 2023. Deliver in MS Word and completed offline eSingle Form version.

8. Information on the Procurement procedure

Bidders are requested to submit both a financial proposal and technical proposal that best complies with the text laid out in this document. These proposals will be assessed separately and the contract awarded to the candidate with the highest combined score. The proposals are assessed on their compliance, quality and price. The contract will in principle be awarded to the organisation with the economically most advantageous quotation. This means that not only the price, but all award criteria will be taken into consideration.

Your bid should make clear about the relevant skills, experience and capacity of the participant, in respect of this particular TOR. Your bid must contain the details of the proposed approach to be adopted in order to deliver the service in accordance with the TOR.

9. Administrative compliance

To be shortlisted and evaluated through the selection criteria your bids should include the following items (without one of these you will not be eligible for selection):

  • Registration at the relevant Chamber of Commerce and / or document attesting bidder’s registration for the self-employed (according to the status: receipt for filing a declaration with the CFE, Extract RSEIRL, Extract K or K-bis) – Vat registration or Fiscal number
  • CV of proposed staff for similar assignment proving relevant experience
  • Technical offer/ approach paper: including a time planning based on this ToR
  • Financial offer: presenting a total price with a cost breakdown in days or hours spent, the related fees and VAT element as well as proposed payment schedule
  • Two (2) relevant references and/ or assignments previously performed by the Bidder that are comparable in content, time and money.

How to apply

  • Please find the full Terms of Reference and Selection procedure and criteria here: 2022 195 RFP UGA Proposal Development ECHO HIP
  • The bids should be submitted by e-mail to:    
  • The deadline for submission is the 12nd of December 2022, 18:00 Amsterdam Time.
  • Any questions, remarks or requests for clarification can be sent to: until the 10th of December 2022 COB.
  • The Subject Line of the message should be: RFP REF 2022195 NLRC UGA - Bids Submission for Proposal Development HIP 2023 –[your company name].

We strongly recommend the bidders to submit their bids via a digital link in their submission email. This link should enable us to access your company digital platform/ cloud and the folder created with your proposal for this RFP. Make sure to grant Netherlands Red Cross contact person viewer and downloader rights.

Using a cloud platform will ensure a safe digital environment and smooth upload of the files preventing you from size limitation from email. (An email without attachment is also greener!).

Note: Any bidder who adds another Red Cross email address to their proposal will be disqualified.

Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 12 December 2022
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 04-12-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 04-12-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 28-12-2066
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