Youth Encouragement Services ( YES )
Youth Encouragement Services ( YES )
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Desiring to “do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God” (Micah 6:8), the mission of YES (Youth Encouragement Services) is to empower orphaned and vulnerable youth with the educational opportunities and support they need to become self-reliant and successful members of the community.

As founder Carol Adams explains, “We have chosen to focus on education (and the needs surrounding it – food, clothing, supplies) as the best means of equipping the children we serve for meaningful work as the best way to honor their dignity as people created in the image of God. Additionally, we respect and consider local culture within our work and are conscious of how to most effectively allocate our resources.”

Company Information
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Contact Phone: +256 753417068
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Address1: PO Box 12 Fort Portal, Uganda