Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA)
Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA)
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The Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA) is a sub regional not-for-profit association. It was established in 1994 by ten member States represented by their National Agricultural Research Institutes (NARIs) following the approval of the Framework For Action (FFA) for agricultural research in Eastern and Central Africa by the Special Programme for Africa Agricultural Research (SPAAR). The original ten member States included Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. South Sudan joined the association at the General Assembly in December, 2011, the  Republic of the Congo joined in 2018, while Cameroon and Central African Republic joined in July 2020 raising the membership of the regional Association to fourteen (14).

Vision: A transformed ECA Agricultural Sector Supporting Improved Livelihoods, Sustained Economic Growth and Inclusive Development.

Mission: To Contribute to Increased Productivity, Commercialization and Competitiveness of the ECA Agricultural Sector Through Strengthening, Catalyzing and Coordinating Agricultural Research for Development in the ECA Sub Region.

Core Values: Inclusivity, Accountability, Transparency, Transformative, Sustainability, Subsidiarity and Integrity.

Context and background to ASARECA work

Smallholder farmers in Eastern and Central Africa face similar challenges. Many use poor quality inputs such as seeds and farm implements. Their farms are often under the threat of attack by menacing pests, diseases and weeds. This situation is aggravated by variable weather and declining natural resource base. As a result, farmers get poor yields from their crops and animals. In addition, lack of access to input and output markets, coupled with an environment of limiting trade policies, make farming a challenging business. These factors contribute to high levels of poverty among the farming communities in the sub-region. Owing to low returns from agricultural enterprises, the youth have abandoned farming in search of money-making ventures in urban areas leaving farming to the elderly, women and children. Although all these can be tackled at national level, the national systems have inadequate capacities to manage these challenges comprehensively. ASARECA is addressing these challenges in a regionally coordinated manner by working with critical partners that include farmers; national, regional and international research institutions, extension and training organizations; public and private sector actors, NGOs, Regional Economic Communities and development agencies.

Our key achievements over the last two and a half decades: 

Over the last two and a half decades, projects supported by ASARECA have developed and promoted innovations and management practices such as improved varieties and seeds, water management, integrated soil fertility, agronomic packages, storage, value addition and marketing; and improved animal husbandry practices and fisheries management. Besides, ASARECA facilitated the development and harmonization of regional policies and standards that impact on agriculture and trade. An independent evaluation report sanctioned to assess the impact of our work shows that:

Benefits to households and individual farmers:  A total of 228,349 rural households benefited directly from ASARECA-related support initiatives, and over 1.37 million individuals directly benefited from an assortment of ASARECA supported initiatives. Furthermore, 56,228 farmers and other stakeholders accessed and used new technologies, innovations and management practices (TIMPs) generated and availed for uptake from ASARECA supported project interventions.

Generated or improved technologies, innovations and management practices:  A total of 364 different TIMPs were either generated or improved to suit farmers’ demands. A total of 435 demand-driven gender-responsive TIMPs were availed for uptake by targeted stakeholders.

Quality pre-basic, basic and certified seeds:  Over 1,000 ha of land was dedicated to improved TIMPs, especially for production and multiplication of quality pre-basic, basic and certified seeds. Over 800 metric tons of quality seed of selected crops were produced and either sold or distributed to farmers for further multiplication.

Reclamation of degraded lands and watersheds:  Over 5,000 ha of highly degraded lands and watersheds were reclaimed through ASARECA supported initiatives. This enabled the targeted households to have steady water supply for domestic and farm use.

Contribution to the establishment of enabling policy environments:  ASARECA has contributed to the establishment of enabling policy environments through participation in the review of existing policies, laws, regulations and management practices. A total of 89 policies, laws, regulations and procedures were analyzed, 39 presented for legislation and dialogue, while 37 were approved by national legislative bodies, the East African Community (EAC) and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).

Infrastructure capacity strengthening and partnership:  As part of enhancing capacity strengthening of the NARS, over 400 assorted infrastructure and facilities were provided to targeted partner institutions particularly the weaker NARIs. At the same time, over 280 different partnerships were formed.

Human resource capacity strengthening:  Over 60,000 persons (34,009 male and 30,887 female) were trained in the areas of integrated water management, value addition, integrated soil fertility management, value chain development, project management, monitoring and evaluation, environment and social safeguards, basic agronomic and management practices, among others. In addition, over 150 students (15 PhD, 112 MSc, 4 BSc and 19 Diploma/Certificate) benefited from ASARECA long-term training.

Production and delivery of information packages:  ASARECA facilitated the production of over 700 different information packages that include peer reviewed journal articles, books, book chapters, electronic newsletters, policy briefs, conference proceedings and manuals. These products were made available through over 250 different delivery pathways such as websites, flyers, television, radio, short message system (SMS), dissemination events, media events, farm trials, and multimedia such as YouTube among others.

New Thematic Areas of Focus and Strategic Results (Based on ASARECA Strategy and Results Framework (2019-2028) and Medium Term Operational Plan I (2019-2023)

The ASARECA stakeholders and partners have identified what it should do as a sub regional organization and rationalized it into four thematic areas of focus and four corresponding strategic results/intermediate outcomes.  While the thematic areas of focus identified by the ASARECA stakeholders and partners have some similarities with what ASARECA has historically sought to do, the approach, success drivers, strategic focus and the expected outcomes differ significantly from the past themes and programmes as evidenced by “What ASARECA has chosen to do under each thematic area of focus; How it will do it; and the Level at which it will do it in line with the principle of subsidiarity”.  The themes are outlined below:

Transformative Capacity Strengthening and Integration

This thematic area focuses on strengthening and integration of different types of AR4D capacities and competencies at systemic, organizational and individual levels to support and contribute significantly to the attainment of inclusive and sustainable agricultural transformation in the ECA member States. The strategic result areas required to deliver this thematic area include:

  • Strengthening and integrating capacities and competencies for inclusive stakeholder engagement, strategic visioning and policy formulation.
  • Strengthening and integrating capacities and competencies for generation, access and utilization of agricultural knowledge and information.
  • Strengthening and integrating capacities and competencies for effective institutional development, management and performance monitoring and evaluation.

Agricultural Transformation Technologies and Innovations

This thematic area focuses on supporting and coordinating the development and adaptation of technologies and innovations to address priority regional agricultural transformation challenges; development of approaches, methods, tools and pathways for enhancing uptake and widespread utilization of technologies, innovations and management practices; enhancing scaling up of priority integrated regional agricultural value chains; and supporting development of private sector-driven agribusinesses and entrepreneurships. The strategic result areas required to deliver this thematic area include:

  • Support and coordinate development and adaptation of gender responsive and climate-smart technologies, innovations and management practices.
  • Support and coordinate scaling up of gender responsive and climate-smart technologies, innovations and management practices.
  • Support and coordinate development and scaling up of gender responsive and youth focused regional value chains and agribusinesses.

Enabling Policy Environment, Functional Markets and Transformative Institutions

ASARECA has made significant contribution in policy analysis and advocacy in the past and, therefore, this thematic area will build on these past successes and lessons

learned. The focus for this thematic area is, therefore, to support and advocate for creation of enabling environment, establishment of functional and structured regional

markets and strengthening of regional institutions. The strategic result areas required to deliver this thematic area include:

  • Support and advocate for establishment of transformative enabling policy and regulatory environment.
  • Support and advocate for establishment of functional and structured regional input and output markets.
  • Support and advocate for establishment of transformative regional institutions and institutional arrangements.

Knowledge and Information Management

This thematic area of focus builds on the lessons and experiences from ASARECA’s past knowledge and information initiatives to advocate for and explore ways through which data, information, knowledge and tools relevant for AR4D can increasingly be placed in the public domain. This thematic area shall, therefore, focus on improving management and access to reliable and up-to-date data, information and knowledge to inform agricultural transformation decision making processes and action in the ECA sub region. The strategic result areas required to deliver this thematic area include: 

  • Establish and manage regional technology and information clearing house.
  • Establish and manage regional data bases, system models and decision support​ tools.
  • Establish and manage functional platforms for communicating and exchanging knowledge and information

PREVIOUS THEMES (Based ASARECA  Strategic Plan 2007-2016 and Operational Plan 1 and Operational Plan 2)

Starting from 2007 to 2013, ASARECA initiatives were implemented in projects clustered under programmes. However, from 2014 onwards, ASARECA adopted the thematic approach to integrate crosscutting disciplines to resolve challenges facing agriculture. The thematic approach is a mechanism for harnessing opportunities that could contribute to stimulating agricultural transformation.  All ASARECA themes and projects are tailored to promote the three pillars of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) namely: ensuring sustainable increase in agricultural productivity for better incomes and food security, adapting and building resilience to climate change, and reducing and removing green house gas emissions. The previous themes were:

Theme 1: Natural Resource Management and Ecosystem Services

This theme addressed the following key aspects:

  • Improving agricultural water productivity.
  • Soil health improvement.
  • Adoption of climate-smart forestry, agro-forestry and biodiversity.
  • Enhancing resilience of dry land agricultural systems.
  • Gender-responsive climate-smart policies and governance for sustainable natural resource management.
  • Managing ecosystems for quality, equitable and sustainable services. 

Theme 2: Markets, Market Linkages and Trade

This theme addressed issues around:

  • Policies for enabling domestic and regional trade.
  • Developing and promoting institutions for enhanced market access.
  • Upgrading value chains
  • Facilitating business incubation of generated innovations.

Theme 3: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition

This theme was concerned with:

  • Development and promotion of breeds, varieties and management practices for adoption to climate change and variability.
  • Management of diseases and pests of strategic crops, livestock and fisheries and intensification of crop, livestock and fisheries systems.
  • Promotion of enabling gender-responsive policies for sustainable agriculture, food and nutrition.
  • Post-harvest handling and processing of crop and livestock resources.
  • Conservation and utilization of plant, animal and fish genetic resources for food and nutrition security. 

Theme 4: Knowledge and Information Hub

As a sub-regional organization, ASARECA recognizes the need to leverage her capacity to serve as a repository for knowledge and information and a think tank on agriculture. To enhance her capacity in this regard, ASARECA established a Knowledge and Information Hub (KI-Hub) in the ECA sub-region. The KI-Hub is a focal point for generating and exchanging knowledge, developing new ideas and networking. Among others, the hub mainstreams new scientific concepts in TIMPs and policies in the region. It is a sub-regional focal point for data and information generated by ASARECA and other Agricultural Research for Development organizations both in ECA and beyond. This is meant to facilitate learning and increase the capabilities of ASARECA stakeholders.


Monitoring and evaluation and Learning Unit

ASARECA has institutionalized a functional M&E system. A focus of M&E is identifying and building on the lessons learned from the process. To ensure efficient M&E systems and reliable results, ASARECA has standardized M&E processes through closer collaboration the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) an the sub-regional organizations such as Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA) and Conseil Ouest et Centre Africain pour la Recherche et le Developpement Agricoles / West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF/WECARD) to ensure consistency with the CAADP and FAAP principles and indicators.

Gender mainstreaming

ASARECA recognizes that gender mainstreaming enhances the understanding of socio-economic issues, putting a human face on activities. Gender is no longer viewed as a women's issue or an issue for development partners, but as something vital to understanding the needs of women and men as the people for whom ASARECA exists. This includes the needs of youth and disadvantaged groups. 

Partnerships and coordination

The Partnerships and Capacity Development unit (PCD) was created to manage the strategic partnerships that enhance the potential of ASARECA and partners to conduct agricultural research. The unit also supports the National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) to pursue agricultural research in line with the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP).  Besides, the unit is tasked to develop the capacity of the ASARECA secretariat and partners to carry out agricultural research efficiently to make impact in the livelihoods of the people in Eastern and Central Africa (ECA). ASARECA is sub-regionally owned by the NARES of member states. This provides the opportunity to create enabling sub-regional platforms addressing issues of a sub-regional nature. 

Environmental and Social Safeguards (ESS)

In order to ensure sustainability of its projects, ASARECA established Environmental and Social Safeguards (ESS) function. This was meant to ensure that ASARECA work benefits current generations while taking into consideration the needs of the future generations. This unit provides operational support to ASARECA projects to enable them fulfill the compliance requirements of ASARECA's environmental guidelines and effectively integrate environmental and social concerns into project activities.  The ESS has been institutionalized, not only within the ASARECA Secretariat, but also among the Partners (e.g. NARIs). For effective performance of its mandate, the ESS Unit operates under five distinct areas: 

  • Policy Development: Establishment of appropriate systems and structures for implementation of ESS. This area includes policy development, ESS best practices, criteria for monitoring and evaluation.
  • Capacity Building: Building the capacity of ASARECA and partners, especially through targeted training in environmental and social safeguards to augment the ability of ASARECA and partners to establish safeguards and monitor compliance. 
  • Assessments: Environmental and Social Assessments are carried out to ensure that approved sub-projects are implemented in a sustainable manner. Projects that fall under Category B are required to develop Environment Management Plans (EMPs). Those that deal with pesticides are required to develop and implement an Integrated Pest Management Plans (IPMPs).
  • Networking: In order to effectively implement the ESMF, ASARECA is in the process of developing partnerships / linkages with key environmental agencies and organizations in partner states. Environment Focal Points for each of the ASARECA countries have been identified to assist in technical backstopping, monitoring and auditing all activities implemented by ASARECA. These roles are contained within the EFP Terms of Reference.
  • Monitoring and Compliance: ASARECA carries out monitoring of implementation of the mitigation measures identified in its environmental management plans. Our primary focus here is to ensure that the regulatory and compliance risks in relation to meeting the requirements of the ESMF are managed effectively across the organizations. This function is targeted at providing assurance that ASARECA, together with partners, is complying with safeguards requirements, including following the overarching principles for environmental management. With mitigation measures implemented competently and efficiently, identified issues are clearly reported and taken up with the Environmental and Safeguards Unit to ensure appropriate corrective action is taken. Compliance scoring is done using a set of predetermined criteria.

Who we are

The Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA) is a not-for-profit sub-regional organization of the National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) of 11 member countries, namely: Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.

ASARECA brings together scientists from the national agricultural research institutions of the member countries, national agricultural extension service providers and other strategic development oriented partners to generate, share and promote knowledge and innovations to solve common challenges facing agriculture in the member countries.


ASARECA’s  vision is to be a regional leader in agricultural research and development for improved livelihoods in Eastern and Central Africa.


To enhance regional collective action in agricultural research for development, extension and agricultural training and education to promote economic growth, fight poverty, eradicate hunger and enhance sustainable use of resources in Eastern and Central Africa.

Central to ASARECA's vision and mission is the recognition of the value of regional collaboration among member countries to overcome poverty and hunger and foster the development aims of broad-based economic growth, poverty eradication and improved livelihood. ASARECA sees improved delivery and impact of scientific knowledge, policy options and technologies as a powerful instrument to drive the sub-region towards meeting the Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Program (CAADP) targets and the Science Agenda, as guided by the Malabo Declaration on accelerated agricultural growth and transformation, as well as previous declarations of the African Union's, New Economic Partnership for African Development (AU/NEPAD).


ASARECA is guided by an overall goal that focuses on, Enhanced sustainable productivity, value added and competitiveness of the sub- regional agricultural system.


This is also supported by an operative purpose hinged on ensuring and sustaining Enhanced equitable access and utilization of agricultural research and development innovations in eastern and central Africa.

ASARECA's five results areas

In order to deliver the anticipated results and impacts on the targeted communities, ASARECA intends to ensure that ÔÇ£gender-responsive governance and management are strengthened, besides aiming at achieving the following results:

  • Appropriate technologies, innovations, and management practices (TIMPs) adapted and/or generated
  • Appropriate innovations, and management practices (TIMPs) disseminated and upscaled
  • Appropriate policy analysis and advocacy enhanced in the Eastern and Central Africa sub-region
  • Stakeholder capacity for innovation strengthened in the ECA sub-region
  • Communication, information and knowledge management improved.

Our key partners

One of the major objectives of ASARECA is to develop policies and programs aimed at deepening co-operation in agricultural research and policy among its member countries for the mutual benefit of all the stakeholders in the agricultural sector. Our key stakeholders include:

  • National Agricultural Research Institutes (NARIs)
  • International Agricultural Research Centres (IARc)
  • Universities and advanced agricultural research for development centres
  • Investors and private sector
  • Donors /development partners.
  • Farmer's associations
  • National and sub-regional associations that coordinate agricultural research, extension, training and education
  • Associations of processors of agricultural products
  • Associations of agricultural service providers
  • Associations of agricultural businesses and related marketing agents
  • Consumer associations
  • Organized women and youth groups working in agriculture
  • Non-governmental associations working in agricultural research and development.

Towards CAADP and the Science Agenda

ASARECA is positioned to contribute towards achieving the AU/NEPAD vision by using strong partnerships at all levels. ASARECA serves as a forum for promoting regional agricultural research and strengthening relations between National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS), in the sub-region, the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), and advanced agricultural research centers. ASARECA has expanded its initiatives and leadership in linking agricultural research to the political dialogue possible in the East African Community (EAC), the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) and AU/NEPAD.

The ASARECA's strategic plan (2007-2016) and both the first (2009-2013) and second operational plans (2014-2018) have been aligned to the CAADP and the Science agenda. ASARECA significantly contributes directly to the CAADP Pillar IV, while also supporting the other 3 Pillars in joint collaborations with other like-minded institutions and partners.

ASARECA currently operates a hybrid approach that combines programmes into specific themes. Four themes (Natural Resources Management and Ecosystem Services; Markets, Market Linkages and Trade; Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security; and Knowledge and Information Hub) are currently operational. The themes have significant potential in enhancing regional collective action in agricultural research for development in the member countries.

ASARECA Secretariat

ASARECA secretariat is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Association. The secretariat is based in Entebbe, Uganda and has committed and dedicated technical and support staff, tasked to implement the regional mandate of ASARECA. The Executive Director (ED) heads the Secretariat and is responsible for ensuring its efficient functioning and reports to the Board of Directors.

ASARECA Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of the directors of the National Agricultural Research Institutes in the 11 member countries together with representatives from faculties of Agricultural Sciences, extension, CGIAR, private sector in the region. The Board is responsible for providing the policy oversight for the organization.

Composition of the Board of Directors:

The Board has the following members:

  • Five Director Generals of the National Agricultural Research Institutions of the 11 ASARECA member countries.
  • One representative of the farmers organization or associations in the sub-region.
  • One representative of the development partners.
  • One representative of the universities in the sub region.
  • One representative of the private sector firms and businesses in the sub-region.
  • One representative of the nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in the sub-region.
  • One representative of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).
  • One representative of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), a scientific partner in the sub-region.
  • One representative of the extension and advisory services organizations in the sub-region.
  • The Executive Director of the Secretariat as secretary and an ex-officio member.
  • Such other persons as the Board of Directors may from time to time recommend.

To view the current Board of Directors, click here:

ASARECA General Assembly

The General Assembly is non-executive and oversight organ of the Association. It consists of all stakeholders of the Association, the Business Committee; and the Board of Directors are ex-officio members of the General Assembly.

The General Assembly exercises the following functions:

  • Review the strategies, priorities, and research programs of the Association
  • Approve and confirm members of the inaugural Business Committee proposed by the Board of Directors and to appoint members of the Business Committee
  • Formulate and approve the rules of procedure of the General Assembly
  • Elect a President and the Vice President of the General Assembly
  • Serve as a platform for stakeholders to debate and identify issues affecting the Association and the development of agricultural research in the sub-region
  • Perform all other functions as may be conferred upon it by the Business Committee for the achievement of the objectives of the Association.

The ASARECA Business Committee performs the following functions:

  • Discuss, debate and take decisions on all matters referred to the General Assembly by the members of the Board.
  • Receive and review the periodic reports of the Association and such other reports submitted to it by the Board of Directors and make recommendations to the board accordingly.
  • Approve, critique and make recommendations on the strategies, priorities and way forward of the Association.
  • Receive and review the medium term plan, strategy, management, priorities, budget, programs and progress of the Association and make recommendations to the Board.
  • Formulate and approve the rules of procedure of the Business Committee
  • Perform such other duties as it shall from time to time be required to carry out by the Board of Directors.

Composition of ASARECA Business Committee

It comprises a wide range of stakeholders representing ASARECA's expanded stakeholder base listed below:

  • Agricultural Universities in the region.
  • Representatives from the Ministries of Agriculture in the region.
  • The Civil Society.
  • Farmers organizations.
  • Research and Extension Institutions.
  • Development partners or donor institutions.
  • Entities in the private sector engaged in agriculture.
  • Sub regional and regional organizations, which include the Inter Governmental Authority on Development, the East African Community and Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).
  • Women groups engaged in agriculture in the region.

To view Current members of the Business Committee, click here:

Patron of Ministers

The ministers responsible for agricultural research and development in the 11 member countries are patrons of ASARECA. They provide direction to ASARECA and reflect national buy-in of ASARECA's role.

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