Giving Hope Foundation
Giving Hope Foundation
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About us: Giving Hope Foundation Organization is your charitable partner in Uganda.  Giving Hope Foundation (GHF) is an NGO registered as a company limited without share capital. Our registration number is 80020001205120.

We started our work with 11 boys in the slums of Makerere Kikoni. The community is located in the western neighborhood of the famous Makerere University. We have continuously and consistently been developing programs that aimed at community development and social well-being. Moreover, we use a User-Centered Design (UCD) approach in our program design. Therefore, our programs are aimed at extending and empowering unprivileged sections of local communities. Mostly, we target unprivileged members of our communities for example, vulnerable children, unemployed youths, poor families and rural farmers among others. These are people that have been affected by poverty, lack of access to basic services, information and those that experience abuse, violence, disease and natural calamities.

Currently, we are have focused our time and resources on Kitoba Sub-county in Hoima district. Therefore, GHF is a member of the following organisations;

  • Latek Stay Alliance Uganda (LATSAU)
  • MenEngage Uganda
  • A founding member of the African Liver Patients Association (ALPA)
  • The World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA)
  • The African Alliance for Maternal Mental Health (AAMMH).
    We have working relationships with the Rotary Club of Kampala Wandegeya, and the 2-4 Life Project. These partners have helped us deliver multi-dimensional programs to our target groups over the course of our journey so far, mainly in Kampala and surrounding areas.
  • This is our story

    Our story started on one cold night in 2009. Giving Hope Foundation (GHF) started as Community Restoration Project in Makerere West (Kikoni area) in 2009 after three boys (about 14 years) were tempted to break into the house of our Founder at 3 am. The thought of 14-year-old children moving in the wee hours of the night to try and find something to steal drove him to start a program that would find these three boys (plus other possible children) in Makerere Kikoni and prevent them from taking a wrong path in their lives. Through a community football program, the three boys were found and invited to attend the football training, socialize and also receive free counselling – this was the start of the community restoration journey.

    Unfortunately, one of the boys dropped out of the program shortly after. News reached us later on that he became a serial thief, he was arrested and beaten to death. The other two went on to forge successful and productive lives. The need to see a difference in the community in terms of maintaining cleaner healthy environment, safe water, an end to child labor, and violence against women led to the creating of the organization.

    Where we are

    Since her official inception on June 29, 2011, GHF has designed and implemented programs that are demand-driven and tailored to extend services to unprivileged  communities. We started our work in Kampala, and in 2019, we decided to focus our limited resources on serving the most unprivileged community of Kitoba sub county, Hoima district.
    In January 2021, we setup office and are now based in Bulyango Parish, Kitoba subcounty in Hoima district.

    Our Mission

    To build thriving grassroots communities where economic prosperity, environmental sustainability and emotional well-being are balanced to the long term benefit of all.

    Our Vision

    Empowered unprivileged communities with supportive environments.

    Our Values

    We incorporate these Values in our work;

    • Creativity: we encourage a safe and supportive space for experimentation and innovation to solve problems
    • Humility: we show compassion and endeavor to understand, respect and value every individual
    • Integrity: we do what we say
    • Fairness: we promote equality and mutual respect; working towards relationships that are inclusive, trusting and participatory
    • Fun: we value the enjoyment in creating friendly and productive working environments
Company Information
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Contact Phone: +256 393 248 641
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Address1: Bujwahya, Nyantonzi Rd, Hoima District.