The African Institute for Investigative journalism
The African Institute for Investigative journalism
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Training and Capacity Building

The aim of this program is to build the capacities of investigative journalists, practitioners and media houses in the art of investigative journalism. The program places emphasis on the roles of the media as an indispensable watchdog in a democratic society. Through this program, AIIJ is able to demonstrate through its interventions the value add of investigative journalism in advancing the public interest discourse. The program undertakes a series of interventions including: media fellowships, customized training programs, development of materials and outreach interventions all of which contribute towards building professional investigative journalistic work leading to credible investigative stories that promote accountability.About the Program
This program aims at creating a safe space that natures collaborations among investigative journalists in Uganda and African as a region. Through this program, we change the paradigm of competition in investigative journalism practice towards building bridges for cross-movement collaborations in the practice of investigative journalism. Through this program, AIIJ is able to bring together journalists, practitioners and media houses that focus on investigative stories to share best practices, opportunities and define concrete collaborative projects and programs of work. This programs interventions include: offering space for sharing and cross learning; identifying and introducing experts in the field to the practitioners; forming strategic national, regional and global alliances and partnerships; supporting cross media investigative projects and holding period Barrazas for practitioners. Through these interventions, AIIJ is able to define a collective journey and work that nurtures talent and maintaining strategic partnerships in the practice of investigative journalism. This program also offers opportunity for collective bargain and advocacy for investigative journalist’s rights.About this Program
This program aims at providing small grants to media practitioners, researchers and journalists working on investigative pieces. Under this program, AIIJ offers grants aiming at supporting impact stories that will focus on creating a positive change in society. These grants enable investigative journalists to undertake projects that examine topical issues in ways that are extraordinary. The results could be investigative documentaries and special projects that change public discourse on the subject of focus. Through this program, AIIJ is also able to run a media defense fund that focuses on the protection of investigative journalists’ rights through access to professional legal services.

This is a program that is ultimately anchored on provision of financial assistance to journalists that intend to pursue investigative stories. Investigative journalism Is inherently costly in terms of time investment and financial resources. Modern newsrooms have over the time failed to be fully committal to provision of such resources which widens the gap between good investigative journalism and reality.

As a body, we commit to supporting investigative journalists in pursuing investigative stories through lobbying for grants from bodies that are interested in using journalism as a tool to promote human rights, social justice, public resource accountability, budget advocacy, health rights, among others.

We are knowledgeable about the challenges present in the newsrooms of both the private and public media houses that are not only constrained by low budgets but as well prone to prioritization of other areas apart from the investigative desks. In addition to the low budgets in media houses, Conflict of interest smartly sneaks into the editorial policies of such houses that incidentally leads a number of investigative stories not to find no oxygen on air.

At the Institute, we believe in telling stories objectively and shining a light down the path of society that accommodates every one and we intend to do this through using well-funded investigative stories. Grants have been proven to be the best funding model for investigative stories across the board and in among other interventions, we find the solution to the abhorrent problem of lack of funding to facilitate investigative storytelling.About the program

The research program focuses on investigating and studying different phenomena to create a body of work that can be used to advance investigative journalism on the continent.

We answer research questions related to the quality and quantity of investigative stories published by Africa’s media houses to identify challenges and future opportunities in investigative journalism. Under this program, we also collaborate with other partners to take a deep dive into several social economic and political issues by employing investigative journalism as a tool of research.

The program also documents Africa’s big investigative stories annually to provide the continent with a catalogue of stories that have shaped the narrative across Africa.

Our Latest research

Digital Voter Manipulation report 
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Address1: Plot 12163 Kiira Bulindo RD, Kira Town Council