Ogilvy Africa
Ogilvy Africa
Location : Email : Info@ogilvy.africa

About Us
0.1Our History
For more than 50 years, Ogilvy has created iconic advertising for clients, and we continue to live by our founders credo of “We sell, or else”.
In 1948, David Ogilvy founded the agency that would become Ogilvy. Starting with no clients and a staff of two, he built his company into one of the eight largest advertising networks in the world with more than 500 offices and 20,000 staff across 169 cities.
Today, Ogilvy is the leader in the industry, focused on building and transforming brands. True to David’s vision, we still see ourselves as a company that does more than ads and have proven that by maintaining our humility and an almost divine discontent at our past successes, we can do more than stay relevant.

0.2Who We Are
We are the largest network agency on the continent. Operating in 24 countries in sub-Saharan Africa
We’ve been awarded the Financial Mail Ad Focus Network Agency of the Year recognition every year since the awards’ inception in 2009. We are also one of the longest-serving agencies on the continent with client relationships spanning over a decade.
We began operations predominantly out of South Africa, but the last decade has seen us open shop across Africa through affiliate agencies, majority of which we own equity in. Growing client requests in Sub Saharan Africa propelled the agency to move its HQ to Nairobi, Kenya.

Our Expertise
• Corporate Branding
We aim to create an identity that will stick with people for a long time. Our whole team- Designers, writers, strategists and so many more work together to bring your brand to life.

• Trade Marketing
Having the retailer stand behind your brand can mean a lot to a customer. We understand retailers’ needs and develop tailored programs to meet them – helping both them and you.

• Social Media Marketing
Hitting your numbers is a big thing. But it’s not the only thing. We can help you leverage your brand to further causes that are important to your company – and your customers.

• Shopper Marketing
When consumers go to shop, they don’t always have a plan. But you should. The right marketing strategy can take advantage of shopper behaviour both inside and out of the retail environment.

• Crisis Management
A crisis hitting your brand is out of your control. How you react shouldn’t be. Let us work with you to create a smart and effective plan to immediately and effectively deal with any unexpected crisis.

• Public relations
A good PR agency tells you what you need to hear – not what you want to hear. We can give you the kind of advice that will benefit your company’s image and bottom line.

• Mobile Marketing
Mobile marketing has accorded us the unique opportunity of delivering personalized, relevant messages when and where they can have the most impact.

• Creative Strategy
We have the ability to use actionable insights to get an inside view of the customer journey. Through this, we can put together effective strategies to influence behaviour.

• Digital Marketing
We were doing digital before digital was cool. Our past experience and hunger for what’s next will keep your digital marketing on the forefront, through online advertising, mobile solutions and more.

• Brand Management
Your connection with your target is key and we can help you manage that, not only for the sake of good communication, but for the mega goal of every brand: A relationship with their consumer.

• Integrated marketing
It’s not only about having the identity and the message: Spreading that message in a consistent and diverse way, that’s what makes brands stand apart from the others.

• Advertising
Big ideas don’t come from thin air. They take top-notch research, valuable customer insights and talented people all working together to not only meet the clients’ goals, but exceed them.


Company Information
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Contact Email: Info@ogilvy.africa
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