Gulu City Council
Gulu City Council
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The City Council

Section 6(1) of the local government Act states that: “Every local government is a corporate body with perpetual succession and common seal, and may sue or be sued in its corporate name and may, subject to the provisions of the constitution, do enjoy or suffer anything that may be done, enjoyed or suffered by a body corporate”, Gulu City being a corporate body is not immune to this provision.

Gulu City shall be equivalent to a district, and the City Council shall exercise all functions and powers conferred upon a district council within the jurisdiction of Gulu City.


The City Council consists of the following members:-

  1. The City Mayor, elected under part X of local government Act;
  2. One councillor directly elected by secret ballot to represent each electoral area in the Capital City on the basis of universal adult suffrage; 
  3. Two councillors representing the youths in the city, one of whom shall be female; 
  4. Two councillors with disabilities, one of whom shall be female, representing persons with disabilities in the city;  
  5. Two elderly persons a male and a female above the age of sixty years elected by the executive committee of the respective association of the elderly;
  6. Women councillors forming one third of the Authority such that the councilors elected under paragraphs (c), (d) and (e) shall form two thirds of the Authority.
  7. A person is not qualified to be a councilor unless he or she is a citizen of Uganda. 
  • A member of parliament may attend meeting of a local council in his or her constituency.


The City Mayor is the political head of the City, presides over all meetings of the Executives, Performs ceremonial and civic functions, he also hosts foreign and local dignitaries.

Monitor al the general administration of the City including the implementation of council decisions, coordinates and provide administrative guidance to division councils.

On behalf of the council, oversee the performance of persons employed by the Government to provide service to the city and to monitor implementation of Government projects.

The City Mayor in the performance of his or her functions is answerable to the City Council.

The Deputy Lord Mayor assists the City Mayor in the performance of his or her functions and otherwise deputize for the City Mayor in his or her absence.


Gulu is divided into two city divisions notably: Bardege – Layibi Division and Laroo – Pece Division. Division Mayor and Town Clerk is the political and administrative head of the city division respectively. The table below summarizes the names of the relevant officials and their areas of responsibility.


Gulu City Human Resource strives to deliver organizational excellence in the following four ways:

  • Become a partner with senior and line managers in strategy execution, helping to move planning from the conference room to the marketplace.
  • Become an expert in the way work is organized and executed, delivering administrative efficiency to ensure that costs are reduced while quality is maintained.
  • Become a champion for employees, vigorously representing their concerns to senior management and at the same time working to increase employee contribution; that is, employee’s commitment to the city and their ability to deliver results.

And finally, Human Resource in the city aim to become an agent of continuous transformation, shaping processes and a culture that together improve the city’s capacity for positive change.


  • Develop a robust system for setting performance targets and monitoring performance of Gulu city staff in line with agreed standards.
  • Develop and implement a compensation and benefits management programme for Gulu city staff in line with Gulu city set standards.
  • Develop and improve institutional effectiveness through monitoring and evaluation of human resource policies.
  • Strengthening coordination and collaboration horizontally and vertically among the human resource in the city.
  • Effectively Monitor and evaluate programs and projects in line with the set standards
  • Foster Local Government Capacity and Leadership through training
  • Improving management and administration at both division and ward levels to conform to the set standards
  • Provision of high-quality services to the community through a commitment to local government best practices and employee development, support and retention
  • Develop and implement a cost-effective systems for mindset change, processes and ways of doing things to achieve Gulu city vision.


To implement community mobilization and empowerment programs, Gulu City has recruited a Principal Community Development Officer (PCDO) and a Community Development Officer (CDO) at the city head quarter; and Assistant Community Development Officers (ACDOs) at division level. The ACDOs and CDOs support all sectors in mobilization of communities mainly for water and sanitation, health, wealth creation and participatory planning to ensure that government programs respond to community needs and in preparation of division development plans among others. In spite of their enormous contribution, the CDOs and ACDOs have got meagre budgetary resource allocation in both the division and the City Head-quarter. The available community development officers are overloaded to do effective community mobilization in the entire City due to limited staffing. As such there is limited community capacity to demand for services and slow progress in socio-economic indicators in the city as a whole which needs to be addressed.


  • Building strong connections with Community Partners, Development Partners, CSO’s, Residents and Employees
  • Improving the Lives of Vulnerable Groups,
  • Rebuilding and empowering communities
  • Promotion of Functional Adult Literacy (FAL) programme
  • Improving access to quality education services.
  • Improving the Quality of Educational Opportunities
  • Improving access to primary health care services
  • Improving Public Health and Environmental Management
  • Strengthening immunization outreach services, ANC and PMTCT to reduce IMR and MMR.
  • Mainstreaming all cross-cutting issues in all development programmes
  • Creating a healthy community to maintain and sustain the City’s infrastructure.

    National Urban policy classifies a City if an urban area has Infrastructure facilities including but not limited to roads, street lighting, markets, fire stations and adequate capacity for disaster management. Gulu city strategically excelled in the management of her road projects under USMID and USMID-AF from 2013/2014 to date. The total lengths of road in good conditions increased from 174.2 km in financial year 2014/2015 to 249.2 km in financial year 2019/2020.

    Gulu City is a logistic hub connecting East and Central Africa, strategically located and interconnected with a transport network of road, rail and air transport modes, which provides greater opportunities and leverage to regional and international economic engagements with bordering countries of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and South Sudan.

    Gulu Airport is a civilian and military airport located some 3 kilometers northwest of the central business district of the city. This location is approximately 303 kilometers (188 mi), north of Entebbe International Airport. The Gulu airport is the 2nd largest airport in the country after Entebbe, while Entebbe has runways of 3.7 kilometers, Gulu has runways of 3.1 kilometers in length and it is placed on a large piece of land suitable with a potential for expansion into an international airport. The air transport makes Gulu a regional hub for industrial production, trade and a transit point to neighboring countries. The government of Uganda is set to upgrade Gulu Airport to international standards.

    Government of Uganda is already constructing power lines to evacuate electricity from Karuma dam. This will increase availability of power to the residence and Industrial development in Gulu city.


    The core function of Engineering in Gulu city is to plan, design and manage the construction, rehabilitation, upgrading, maintain of the city roads including the road marking and signage, traffic and street lighting, building Infrastructure, street parking space and public  transportation  in the City

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Address1: Princess Road Plot 3 Gulu city