Green Empowerment
Green Empowerment
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We believe in village solutions for global change.

Green Empowerment works with rural communities and partners around the world to improve access to affordable and renewable energy, safe drinking water, sanitation systems, fuel efficient cook stoves and more. With our support, projects are designed, constructed and maintained by the communities that benefit from them to ensure long-term economic and environmental sustainability. Our projects help individuals and families pave their own pathway to prosperity.
By increasing access to water and renewable energy through partnership, we are advancing the Sustainable Development Goals set forth by the United Nations - #6 Clean Water and Sanitation, #7 Affordable and Clean Energy and #17 Partnerships for the Goals. Our projects also improve health outcomes, build climate change resilience, empower and educate women, create opportunities for income generation and more.

Our Mission
Green Empowerment works with local partners around the world to strengthen communities by delivering renewable energy and safe clean water.

Our Vision
We envision an equitable and sustainable world where everyone has clean water, renewable energy and a healthy environment in which to grow and thrive.

Our Model
Learn more about the theory and logic that guide our work by reviewing the Organizational Theory and Logic Model that emerged from our 2017-2019 strategic planning process.

Our Approach
We partner with organizations based in-country to implement renewable energy, clean water and complementary sanitation, environmental and economic projects.

We engage beneficiary communities from start to finish to build ownership and ensure projects' long-term viability.

Capacity Building
We provide technical expertise, training, funding and additional resources to local leaders and technicians to build local capacity.

Impact Expansion
We amplify our impact through regional networks, technical trainings and service-learning.

Company Information
Contact Name: Green Empowerment
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