Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Alliance Uganda
Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Alliance Uganda
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Who we are?
The Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Alliance Uganda is a consortium of organisations that stand for and promote young people’s SRHR. The SRHR Alliance Uganda is comprised of organisations with strong niche, expertise, and experience in key aspects of SRHR programming for vulnerable and marginalised groups of adolescents and young people.

Our work is geared towards ensuring that all young people have access to high quality and youth friendly SRHR information and services within a supportive environment. The SRHR Alliance Uganda also works to ensure that vulnerable groups of adolescents and young people (including adolescent girls and young women, young people living with HIV/AIDS, young people in emergency settings, young people living with disabilities and those among key populations) are supported to claim and exercise their SRHR without impediment and free from violence.


Our Strategic Objectives
Over the next 5 years (2019 to 2023), the alliance shall strive to achieve the following strategic objectives.
To harness a collective voice of young people and SRHR actors to influence the program, policy, and legal environment in Uganda.
To strengthen the delivery of quality SRHR services, information and education for adolescents and young people in Uganda
To strengthen capacity of the SRHR Alliance and its partners to deliver quality SRHR services to adolescents and young people in Uganda.
To generate evidence to inform effective delivery of SRHR services and policies for adolescents and young people in Uganda.

Our Values
Collaborative Partnerships: We recognize that each member brings on board unique abilities and expertise. Alliance partners shall work together to harness each other’s resources to achieve their objectives while upholding mutual respect and recognizing agreed leadership.
Meaningful Youth Participation: The alliance promotes and support equal participation of young people decision making regarding design, implementation and monitoring of all its interventions.
Equity: We deliver our services to all young people in a fair and impartial manner. In line with the principles of gender transformative approach, the alliance members commit to ensure equitable participation of both men and women.
Inclusiveness: At SRHR Alliance our program targets all category of young people including those living with HIV and AIDS, disability, and those in hard-to-reach areas.

Our History
The SRHR Alliance Uganda was founded in 2011 as a loose coalition of partners to implement the United for Healthy Tomorrow program that was funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affair in partnerships with Rutgers, AIDS Fonds, Simavi, dance4life, IPPF and Choice. Since then, the Alliance members have jointly implemented two other programs including Access Services and Knowledge (ASK) in Eastern and Northern Uganda as well as the Get Up Speak Out (GUSO), which was implemented in Busoga sub-region.

Over these past 9 years, the Alliance has built a strong niche in engaging duty bearers and SRHR sector actors at national, sub-national and community levels to influence policy and social environment to favor access to SRHR information and services. We have also gained vast experience and created a number of innovative approaches to deliver quality and youth friendly SRHR information and services to adolescents and young people at grassroots levels.

Company Information
Contact Name: Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Alliance Uganda
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 0393 254 466
Contact Fax:
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Address1: Plot 29 - Commercial Road, Ntinda Kampala - Uganda