Healthy Entrepreneurs (HE)
Healthy Entrepreneurs (HE)
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Over 2 billion people worldwide living in remote or isolated village, have no access to basic healthcare. The poorest of the poor lack quality medicines, health products, and education. The distance to products and services makes them particularly vulnerable. Due to a lack of knowledge, people are unable to make well-informed decisions about their own health and that of their children. They frequently depend on the local black market for expensive medicines, which are often counterfeit. 

The last-mile distribution model enables Healthy Entrepreneurs to unlock remote communities with access to basis healthcare. Healthy Entrepreneurs proves that medical care in remote areas is possible and we have made it cheaper, more effective and more sustainable

Vision, Mission and Goals

The vision of Healthy Entrepreneurs is basic healthcare for all. Access to basic health in the most remote areas is an important key for development and self-reliance. To our opinion, the key of success is self empowerment, enabling people to overcome their own challenges.

Our mission is to train men and women to become community health entrepreneurs. Via the network of entrepreneurs a large set of affordable health products and services, that have been proven effective, are delivered to the last mile. 

The goal of Healthy Entrepreneurs is mobilizing entrepreneurs with innovative and practical solutions corresponding to the demands of families living in remote, isolated communities.

Our model in detail

Healthy Entrepreneurs identifies potential entrepreneurs with basic knowledge of health care, a secondary school diploma and preferably women. During their training, they learn about basic health the set of health products and entrepreneurial skills needed to establish their own health business.

Each entrepreneur invests $40 USD and receives a starter kit with basic medical products worth $70 USD on credit. The entrepreneurs pays back the initial credit within one year.

The entrepreneur also receives a solar-powered phone. This phone is used for educating clients, promoting new products and ordering new stock. The Healthy Entrepreneurs team can also use the phone to monitor the entrepreneurs’ activity.

One thing that sets the Healthy Entrepreneurs model apart is the management of our own end-to-end distribution chain. We buy reliable products as cheaply as possible and deliver them directly to the entrepreneurs on site via a local depot.

What we offer

Are you wondering why each entrepreneurs receives a starter kit with basic health products and a phone? Because in order to change the system the access to basic health products should be complemented with health education and counselling in their own language.

Company Information
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Address1: Plot 3c 5th street, Industrial Area Kampala, Uganda