Alliance One
Alliance One
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One Vision of Action-Oriented Social Responsibility

Alliance One has a global sustainability program rooted in three pillars: Producers, People and Planet. We are invested in responsible crop production – that is, crop production which ensures the economic viability for the grower, provides a safe working atmosphere for those involved in crop production and minimizes negative environmental impact. Our strategy is to provide secure and sustainable livelihoods for our contracted growers and their communities, with a low environmental impact. This approach involves improving the efficiency of our operations as well as working with our contracted growers to help them continuously improve their own agricultural and labor practices.

In 2011, Alliance One introduced its award-winning Grower’s Management System (GMS), a software tool developed in-house which provides real-time visibility into our grower base. This tool has been enormously beneficial in helping our agronomists and leaf technicians identify the greatest risks and opportunities for improvement in agricultural and labor practices. In addition, we are better able to monitor for compliance and track trends year over year.

For more information on our sustainability strategy, results, policies and programs, view the following links:

Company Information
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Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 919-379-4300
Contact Fax: 919-379-4346
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Address1: Alliance One International, LLC 8001 Aerial Center Parkway Post Office Box 2009 Morrisville, NC 2756