International Republican Institute ( IRI )
International Republican Institute ( IRI )
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About IRI
In 1982, while speaking to the British Parliament at the height of the Cold War, President Ronald Reagan called upon freedom-loving nations to “foster the infrastructure of democracy” in countries that were lacking any semblance of democratic development. The goal was to reverse the tide of tyranny and create “a world in which all people are at last free to determine their own destiny.”

With the expansion of representative government, backed by free and fair elections and independent political institutions, more countries would reject tyranny and the spread of peace and prosperity would not be limited.  

Soon after Reagan’s prescient words, the International Republican Institute (IRI) was founded as one of the core institutes of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), with a mission to advance democracy worldwide.

Since our founding in 1983, in over 100 countries, IRI has been working to strengthen civil society, political parties, marginalized communities, and other key areas essential to democratic governance. We encourage democracy in places where it is absent, help democracy become more effective where it is in danger and share best practices where democracy is flourishing

IRI’s work continues to have a tremendous impact. Our staff and local partners help legislators enhance transparency, connect policymakers with their constituencies, empower individuals who have previously felt left out of the political process, and we have observed over 200 elections.

Today, more people than ever before are raising their voices and expressing their desire to live in a democratic society. They wish to be citizens, not subjects. IRI hears their call and remains more committed to our mission with each passing day.

IRI’s Mission

The International Republican Institute advances democracy and freedom. We link people with their governments, guide politicians to be responsive to citizens, and motivate people to engage in the political process.

Who We Are

IRI promotes democracy worldwide. Since its founding in 1983, IRI, a nonpartisan, nongovernmental organization, has worked in more than 100 countries—in Africa, Asia, Eurasia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East and North Africa.

We are experts in responsive politics, political processes, polling, technology, and party building, all with the goal of promoting and establishing free, fair, and accountable democratic leadership around the globe. IRI partners with other global leaders on projects designed to advance these goals. IRI’s worldwide network is key to our ability to maintain longstanding relationships and deliver sustainable results.

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