Alive Medical Services
Alive Medical Services
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Alive Medical Services (AMS) began in 2007 when one woman, Dr. Pasquine Ogunsanya, asked a simple question: what if we all loved each other?

AMS is a non-profit medical centre that provides free HIV testing, care, treatment, counselling, and support for over 13,000 HIV-positive patients every year. Strategically located in Namuwongo, one of Kampala’s most densely populated and impoverished neighbourhoods, AMS’ doors are always open to those who need us.

In 2007, AMS started with just six clients – but today, AMS has become one of the highest-volume HIV clinics in Uganda. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, doctors, clinicians, and nurses serve patients with love and dignity, operating under the belief that every person deserves to live a quality life.Our logo takes on the shape of a heart to represent love and dignity, an important core value of Alive Medical Services. At the centre of the design is a red dot, symbolizing the client, the centre of our focus at AMS and our first and most important core value. The client is surrounded by the letter “A” for Alive, which takes its inspiration from the shape of a stethoscope, an essential instrument for our clinicians.

The letter “M” for Medical forms the heart and continues around to an arrow, representing the services at AMS. Where the arrow head stops in the logo, there is an open space, signifying an open door—an invitation to freely access AMS’ state-of-the-art medical services. That open door leads straight to the centre of AMS, where we, the staff, provide services from the bottom of our hearts.

Finally, the red dot, which shows the client wrapped in love and care, also represents a full stop: the end of HIV/AIDS in Uganda, our ultimate goal.

Company Information
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Contact Phone: +256 774 704 646 / +256 414 258 580
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Address1: P.O. Box 37374, Kampala, Uganda