American Bar Association
American Bar Association
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The American Bar Association

Our mission is to serve equally our members, our profession and the public by defending liberty and delivering justice as the national representative of the legal profession.

Serve Our Members

Provide benefits, programs and services which promote members' professional growth and quality of life.

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Advocate for the Profession

Promote the best quality legal education, promote competence, ethical conduct and professionalism, and promote pro bono and public service by the legal profession.

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Eliminate Bias & Enhance Diversity

Promote full and equal participation in the association, and the justice system by all persons. Eliminate bias in the legal profession, and the justice system.

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Advance the Rule of Law

Increase public understanding of and respect for the rule of law, the legal process, and the role of the legal profession at home and throughout the world. Hold governments accountable under law. Work for just laws, including human rights, and a fair legal process. Assure meaningful access to justice for all person. Preserve the independence of the legal profession and the judiciary.

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