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Our story
Bolt’s story began in 2013 when Markus Villig – a 19-year old high-school student – realised how desperate the taxi industry was for an overhaul. Poor customer experience, long wait times, and high prices were common at the time.
To fix this broken industry, Markus borrowed €5,000 from his parents and built the first version of our ride-hailing software. He launched the service with 50 drivers that he’d personally recruited on the streets of Tallinn.
Later, Markus’ brother Martin and technical co-founder Oliver Leisalu joined the team to build and scale what has become the fastest-growing technology business in European history.

We’re building the future of mobility.
Bolt is the first European super-app, with the mission to make urban mobility more affordable, safe and sustainable. We help people save time and money, reduce stress and improve cities. Bolt also empowers millions of entrepreneurs — drivers, couriers, restaurant and store owners — all earning with Bolt and building their businesses.

Freedom of movement
We believe that most trips in the city don’t require the use of a personal car.
At Bolt, we’re building a future in which people are no longer forced to buy a car to get around. Where people have the freedom to use transportation on demand, choosing whatever vehicle is best for each occasion.

Company Information
Contact Name: Bolt
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