Uganda Breweries Ltd
Uganda Breweries Ltd
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Uganda Breweries Limited is Uganda’s leading premium adult beverage company that focuses on the development of great brands and great people. Our key objectives are delivery of the highest quality brands to consumers and long term value to our investors.

As a consumer-driven business, Uganda Breweries takes time to study the market and understand consumer needs and wants as well as how best to satisfy them. That is why we constantly invest in innovating and renovating our brands to stay at par with dynamic consumer trends. This goes hand in hand with our performance ambition to be the best performing most trusted and most celebrated business in Uganda.

Uganda Breweries Limited is a subsidiary of  East African Breweries plc, the region’s leading beverage Alcohol Company in which Diageo is a majority shareholder.

Uganda Breweries Limited is Uganda’s leading premium adult beverage company that focuses on the development of great brands and great people.

Company Information
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Contact Phone: +256 (0) 312 210011 +256 (0) 414311397 +256 (0) 414311000
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Address1: Uganda Breweries Limited Plot 3 – 17 Port Bell P. O Box 7130 Kampala - Uganda