Light for the World
Light for the World
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Our mission & vision

Light for the World empowers people with disabilities and protects eye health – because an inclusive society is better for all!

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Our Goal & Mission

In an inclusive society, there is a place for everyone. That’s what we work for.

With your support we improve health systems in the poorest regions of the world, enable education for all, and amplify the voices of people with disabilities in the workplace and beyond. In short: we break down unjust barriers to unlock the potential in all of us!

Our Organisation & Governance

Light for the World is a global development organisation. We empower people with disabilities and enable eye health services in low income countries. Over the last three decades we improved health systems, enabled education for all, and amplified the voices of people with disabilities.

Company Information
Contact Name: Light for the World
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: +43 1 810 13 00
Contact Fax: +43 1 810 13 00 - 15
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