Brac Uganda bank Ltd
Brac Uganda bank Ltd
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What makes BRAC unique

Data-driven innovation

BRAC continuously innovates, tests, and strengthens its solutions to maximise its effectiveness.

Community engagement

BRAC develops solutions in partnership with communities, building trust, and making it a priority to meet local needs.

A holistic approach

Poverty is complex and multifaceted, and it demands holistic solutions. BRAC’s programs are designed to address poverty’s many dimensions.

Sustainable solutions

BRAC takes a business approach to ending poverty, using social enterprise models to recover costs and accelerate impact at scale.

Our values


We approach our work with honesty and integrity.


We innovate and iterate to improve our impact.


We foster inclusion to reach those who need it most.


We strive for effectiveness to better serve people in poverty.

Our work in action

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Our reach






clients are women


disbursed in loans
*As at April 2021



Our approach

Socially driven

To create a positive impact in the lives of our clients is our only bottom line. We deliver financial services in a way that is transparent, fair, and safe, adhering to the Universal Standards for Social Performance Management and the Client Protection Principles, placing clients’ well-being at the center of everything we do to achieve our mission.


Highlights from 2020 Impact Survey

  • 98% of clients said their quality of life had improved after engaging with BRAC
  • 97% of clients earned more
  • 90% of clients could not find a good alternative to BRAC
  • 98% of clients saved more
  • 95% of clients planned their finances better



I am now a self sufficient independent woman. The women in my microfinance group and I made it out of poverty. We are not rich, but we are self-sustaining. Money is not a big issue.

– Naigaga Ruth Wamuro


BRAC, the number one non-governmental organisation in the world, has opened a bank in Uganda, one of the five African countries that it currently operates in. Brac Uganda Bank Limited (BUBL) was formally opened in Kampala, the Ugandan capital, on Thursday (25 April 2019) through a colourful ceremony.

April 2018


Senior Managers and selected Social Performance Champions of BRAC International Microfinance entities from seven countries across Africa and Asia came together in Kampala, Uganda, for a three-day training. The training was a leading step towards BRAC’s commitment to social performance management and client protection, and to also systematically measure the delivery of BRAC International Microfinance (BI MF) mission and social bottom line.

March 2019


Banking on the resilience of their clients, responsible microfinance operators such as BRAC demonstrate how meeting urgent needs of low-income communities now can help to determine the social and economic health of these communities in the post-COVID world.

May 2020


The worldwide economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic threaten to plunge half a billion people into poverty. As the crisis continues to take a massive economic toll, financial inclusion remains a critical tool for helping people living in poverty to recover.

June 2020


Everywhere we work, BRAC approaches microfinance the same way: By listening and learning from communities. Using Lean Data℠ methodology, we collected insights to evaluate our financial services offerings. The results offer powerful accounts from our clients and reveal how microfinance has impacted their lives.

May 2020

Contact us

BRAC Uganda Bank Ltd
Plot 201, Mengo, Kabuusu, Rubaga
P O Box: 6582 Kampala, Uganda
T:+256 200 900720

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Company Information
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Contact Fax: +256 200 900720
Since :
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Address1: BRAC Uganda Bank Ltd Plot 201, Mengo, Kabuusu, Rubaga P O Box: 6582 Kampala, Uganda