SOS Faim Belgium
SOS Faim Belgium
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SOS Faim is a development NGO, active since 1964 in the fight against hunger and poverty in Africa and Latin America. To achieve this, we support family farming because we are convinced that small farmers have the capacity to feed the world. SOS Faim supports farmers in the South at three levels: technical, financial and political.


Family farming
The current agro-industrial model shows its limits: while we produce more than enough to feed everyone, 821 million people still suffer from hunger today.

Family farming has immense potential for jointly responding to the three major current global challenges:
- feeding humanity,
- fighting poverty,
- preserving the environment.

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Since 1987, SOS Faim has been supporting microfinance in Africa and Latin America, in order to enable farmers to develop their agricultural activities in a sustainable way.

SOS Faim supports 12 rural finance institutions, which support a total of 600,000 farmers, 56% of whom are women.

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In recent years, SOS Faim has led and supported the implementation of numerous actions which all tended towards the same objective: a fairer world where hunger and inequalities would no longer have their place.

Some of these actions have already borne fruit and brought concrete results. Here is an overview.

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Activity reports
Discover the highlights of SOS Faim's activities! You will find in our activity reports clear and precise annual information on the association's actions, accounts and balance sheets.

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SOS Faim, in Brussels, is a multidisciplinary team of twenty-five people divided into five departments: support for partners, information, communication and fundraising, finance and knowledge management.

In addition to Brussels, there are also six SOS Faim branches in Africa and Latin America.

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For SOS Faim, being transparent is essential in a partnership relationship of trust.

Thus, beyond its institutional obligations as a non-profit association, SOS Faim makes available to all various documents such as its activity report, its financial statement but also its code of ethics, its reporting form and its partnership charter.

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True to its spirit of partnership, SOS Faim is a member of various Belgian, European and international networks.

She shares knowledge, experiences and common actions, on various subjects such as food security, microfinance, access to land, territorial development or local dynamics.
Company Information
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Contact Phone: +32 2 548 06 70
Contact Fax: +32 2 514 47 77
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