Women in Technology Uganda ( WITU)
Women in Technology Uganda ( WITU)
Location : Email : info@witu.org

Who We are


Imagine a world where women and girls have equal access to education, assets such as land, information, leadership positions. Poverty, violence and war would significantly reduce.  We are working towards this world!

We know that educating girls and women leads to decreased social and economic violence, and yet, over 500 million women and girls are illiterate. Children of educated mothers are 50% more likely to attend school. She will delay to have kids and her kids have a higher chance of surviving beyond 5 years of age.

We know that Technology is not only revolutionizing the way we work but also the way we live. In Africa, it’s providing solutions and improving our healthcare systems, education especially in rural areas that have limited learning resources, Agricultural processes where over 70% of Uganda’s population derive their livelihoods. And yet for every 10 Men in STEM, there is less than 4 women and by the time the 4 are in their 5th year of their career, many have left to take care of home duties.  If we had more women leading at the forefront of technological innovation. Our work is addressing exactly this for women and girls across Uganda.

Our mission

To empower young women to become innovative technologists & entrepreneurs equally influencing Africa’s economy. Through a  training institute, women focused on business accelerators and digital jobs centers. Offering tools, resources and opportunities that allow them to thrive.

Our Vision

To close the Technological Gender gap to improve the lives of women and girls.


  • Innovation
  • teamwork
  • Integrity
  • Quality assurance
  • Young women-centered
Company Information
Contact Name:
Contact Email: info@witu.org
Contact Phone: +256392177980
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