Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety
Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety
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BIGRS Overview

The Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety is a 12-year, $259 million project that aims to reduce traffic deaths and injuries in low- and middle-income countries. Initiative partners representing the world's leading road safety organizations coordinate with in-country governmental and non-governmental stakeholder to implement road safety activities, focusing on four primary risk factors: speeding, impaired driving, helmet use, and seatbelt use. As a partner in the initiative, IACP's primary role is to work alongside in-country law enforcement agencies to implement evidence-based interventions that have been proven to reduce road traffic fatalities and injuries.

The IACP's involvement with the initiative began in 2017 through supporting enforcement efforts in São Paulo, BrazilAs a result of the success in the City of São Paulo, the IACP has since expanded efforts to 11 cities in Latin America and India.

The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) is the world’s largest and most influential professional association for police leaders. With more than 31,000 members in over 165 countries, the IACP is a recognized leader in global policing, committed to advancing safer communities through thoughtful, progressive police leadership. Since 1893, the association has been serving communities worldwide by speaking out on behalf of law enforcement and advancing leadership and professionalism in policing worldwide.

The IACP is known for its commitment to enhancing community safety by shaping the future of the police profession. Through timely research, programming, and unparalleled training opportunities, the IACP is preparing current and emerging police leaders—and the agencies and communities they serve—to succeed in addressing the most pressing issues, threats, and challenges of the day.

The IACP is a not-for-profit 501c(3) organization headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia. The IACP is the publisher of The Police Chief magazine, the leading periodical for law enforcement executives, and the host of the IACP Annual Conference, the largest police educational and technology exposition in the world. IACP membership is open to law enforcement professionals of all ranks, as well as non-sworn leaders across the criminal justice system.

Grants and partnerships with the following organizations and others have helped support IACP’s work over the years:

Bloomberg Philanthropies
Joyce Foundation
Laura and John Arnold Foundation
MacArthur Foundation
Michael Jordan
Motorola Foundation
Target Corporation
United States Department of Justice
United States Department of State
United States Department of Transportation

Our Mission

The International Association of Chiefs of Police advances the policing profession through advocacy, research, outreach, and education.

Our Vision

Shaping the future of the policing profession.

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Since : 01-01-1893
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