Central Coffee Farmers Association (CECOFA)
Central Coffee Farmers Association (CECOFA)
Location : Email : ronald.buule@cecofa.org
Who We Are
Central Coffee Farmers Association (CECOFA), is a ‘farmer owned‘ organization that brings together coffee farmers from the Central region (Wakiso, Masaka, Luwero and Bukuya, Kibale, Mpigi, Bukuga, Mubende), helping them improve their farming practices, access the international market, and receive free technical training and support in coffee farming.

CECOFA administration building
CECOFA was founded in 2005 by a small group of entrepreneurial farmers, now made up of 3664 farmers within the districts of central Uganda, located near the shores of Lake Victoria, close to the Equator line. 1,200 of these are FairTrade and 4C certified.

Annual General Meeting

Alleviation of poverty through market based sustainable agricultural practices and to have a permanent coffee farming industry through the youth and old farmers by 2021.


To establish a sustainable system for poverty alleviation among farmers through market based agricultural practices.


To alleviate poverty through market based sustainable agricultural practices.
To have a permanent, sustainable coffee farming industry through the youth and old farmers.
CECOFA engages in other income generating activities like piggery and poultry farming.

Fairtrade Business Development Advisor in a group photo with CECOFA Staff & Board
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Quality natural robusta coffee from our farmers.
High volumes of coffee.
Experience in Logistics.
Experienced staff in managing the coffee industry with reactive sales, marketing and accounting departments.
Compliance with FAIRTRADE standards.
Care for the community, gender balance and the environment.

Way forward for CECOFA

Seeking support for a Grading machine. This will save a lot of time wasted in primary processing and improving value addition on the part of the farmers because now they will be paid depending on the grades/ screens which will encourage our farmers to improve on quality and to get more money./ CECOFA will also gain much more in fulfilling its contracts in time.
More working capital to increase the volumes currently being accomplished ( current capacity is 100 containers of certified ; 4C and Fairtrade) However, sometimes this is not realised due to limited financing
Increasing the number of farmers from the current 3,664 members to 5,000 members by 2020. This can be achieved though more premium projects as well as encouraging replanting
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Key challenges:

Aging Population; Average age for a Ugandan coffee farmer is 65 years
Market Risks
Lack of working capital which leads farmers to Side selling to middlemen despite being certified
Urbanization (Some farmers especially in suburbs have continued to sell their land to various developers
Coffee wilt disease which has affected much of Ugandan coffee
To combat climate change and sustainability challenges, CECOFA introduced the youth football and Netball tournaments which have now been scaled in all producer organizations in Uganda. Through this intervention we encourage the youth to grow coffee by giving them free seedlings. CECOFA has also implemented coffee waste management, switching to renewable energy specifically the use of improved domestic cook stoves and charcoal briquettes made from coffee pulps and husks. Replacing aged and diseased coffee bushes by new selected variety seed is a regular activity of CECOFA in order to improve productivity and ensure sustainability. With SISTEMA, a Kenyan based organisation, we intend to start encouraging our farmers who own more than 3 cows, to start constructing Biogas digesters at a reduced price.

Improvement efforts;

Tree planting
Youth involvement in coffee planting
Accessing more social lending institutions with favourable terms.
Though there is urbanisation, CECOFA has managed to penetrate to other areas in the rural districts spreading the evangelism of our members in those areas to do coffee farming as a business notably; Bukuya in Mubende, Luweero , Masaka and Wakiso
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What We Do
Training farmers on good agricultural practices, coffee post-harvest handling which enables the company to promote high quality Robusta coffee.
Encouraging youth to maintain coffee farms through games and sports as the entry point.
Training farmers in various environmental protection activities like tree replanting programmes and soil protection.
Mobilizing of farmers within the central region and other parts of Uganda to do coffee farming as a business.
We put special attention on women through training in gender equity and effective involvement in coffee farming as a business.
To encourage train and empower farmers to respect value chain
To train youth and women join coffee farming as a business
Train coffee farmers in diversification
Train farmers to protect the environment
Train coffee farmers to understand the importance of growing coffee
Enable sustainability through CECOFA through coffee exports
Fundraising through development partners
Company Information
Contact Name:
Contact Email: ronald.buule@cecofa.org
Contact Phone: +256 751 929680
Contact Fax: 256 772 929680
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Address1: 256-414 Bulwanyi, Maya – Masaka Road, Wakiso District, Uganda