Club Tangaza
Club Tangaza
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who we are

Club Tangaza is an online coding platform for learners ages
4 and above. Club Tangaza provides learners with live coding education right at home. Learners interact with top instructors virtually to learn how to; code, build games, apps, and websites, following given curricula and digital tools. Code is written in a computer’s language, therefore, coding should be taught at a young age – just like English, Swahili, French, or Chinese.

Club Tangaza also offers services like; Corporate Training, School Training, Websites Apps and Systems development, Graphics design and Animation, Onsite Installations and Supplies.

Internationally accredited curriculums

At Club Tangaza we follow internationally designed courses that are used by educators all over the globe. These courses are designed to help learners grow on their coding journey. No prior coding experience is required. No matter your child’s career aspiration, coding skills will always keep them ahead and give them an edge in whatever they choose to do.

Beginner Friendly

No experience required

The curriculums are fun-based and easy to follow for kids and beginners, most importantly it’s totally hands-on. Unlike online self-taught courses, this approach provides set schedules, encourages accountability and responsibility, and when learners get stuck, there is someone on the other end to help. Learners do not need to have any coding experience.

Too Early?

Just like any other language, coding needs to be taught early. Pre-primary and lower primary children are introduced to basic coding concepts through block based coding games, which are fun and engaging while they hide the complexity of the actual text code. 

Too Late?

Anyone can learn how to code. If you have the drive, there is always an opportunity for you to make a contribution. The evolution of technology, both hardware and software, has given rise to user friendly platforms and tools that level the learning curve for software development.

Fourth Industrial Revolution

The First Industrial Revolution used water and steam power to mechanize production. The Second used electric power to create mass production. The Third used electronics and information technology to automate production. Now a Fourth Industrial Revolution is building on the Third, the digital revolution that has been occurring since the middle of the last century. It is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres.

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