Governance Systems International ( GSI )
Governance Systems International ( GSI )
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Governance Systems International (GSI) is a multi-disciplinary consulting firm with a continental transformative vision of tackling Africa’s development challenges. GSI offers solution oriented consulting services to national/sub-national governments, private sector companies and CSOs in Uganda and other African Countries.

Our multidisciplinary staff and associate professionals work as a network of renowned specialists in the technical areas of Decentralization and local governance, Public Finance Management, Water and sanitation, Environment and natural resources, Solid Waste Management, Agriculture and food security, Energy and Transport infrastructure, Cities and Urban developmentand private sector development.

We support our clients at all levels of project cycle management from identification, formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development projects and programs putting into consideration social, economic, gender and environmental challenges.  GSI implements long term and short term projects and programs funded by European Commission (EC), World Bank, GIZ, KfW, DANIDA, AFD, European Investment Bank (EIB) and other local and international organizations.

Vision: To be internationally renowned as a trusted consulting partner in tackling Africa’s development challenges.

Mission: To tackle Africa’s development challenges through training, technical assistance and development Research

To tackle Africa’s development challenges through training, technical assistance and development Research


The following serve as the guiding principles and values in all our company operations

  • Professionalism,
  • Excellence,
  • Integrity,
  • Innovation & creativity,
  • Team work,
  • Result Oriented and Partnership &
  • Collaboration
Company Information
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Contact Phone: (+256) - 393666662 / 757578580
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