Innovation Village
Innovation Village
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Uganda's fastest growing
Startup Engine

About The Innovation Village

The Corporate Stuff

For a long time, a standard approach to nurturing innovators has mostly been through innovation competitions and award ceremonies that focus on the top 3 winners out of 100 submissions. 

The Innovation Village is a destination that the 97 who never take the trophy home come to transform their ideas into solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges. We create an environment where start-ups grow in confidence and capability scaling from promising tech into fully established sustainable businesses.

We breathe for seeing people’s ideas that could transform society come to life and make a remarkable impact.

The doors are open for all that have big Ideas and the determination to work them into life.

The Corporate Staff

Ranging from our vision, mission, core values down to our team, we are committed to inspiring the role of technology in solving challenges for society and (various industries)-NB: this is on the basis that the industry of technology is infused in other sectors.
Curiosity and complex interdisciplinary challenges fuel us to imagine new possibilities everyday.

The centre of our strategy is to reinvent the future by bringing together the innovation community to grow the economy and make an impact. We are excited by the existing evidence that innovation can drive a new economy and should be more than just a word that’s thrown around the startups we support build new technologies not only to create jobs and economic prosperity but to tackle big problems and improve people’s lives.

The Impact we seek
through Entrepreneurship.

We believe that Uganda doesn’t need another training program, grant, competition or incubator. What we need is positive economic growth and this will only be achieved by inspiring and equipping our entrepreneurs to dream on a global scale. 

Through failing fast and collaboration we play, make, learn, incubate and innovate. 

We build communities of future thinkers across Uganda inspired by the role technology plays in socio-economic transformation.  

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Address1: Plot 31 Ntinda - Kisaasi Road, Ntinda Shopping Complex, Block B&C 3rd Floor, Kampala