Internal Risk Management Group
Internal Risk Management Group
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Internal Risk Management Group (IRMG)

Created August 2018
51 INGO members and currently inviting 10 National NGOs (NNGO)
Y1 ( Dec 2019 march 2020) generously funded by DFID through Mercy
Corps gran

Why was IRMG created?

INGOs in Uganda identified fraud, corruption & safeguarding issues as growing
risks to the aid sector’s ability to deliver accountable and high impact programs;

To create a safe space to discuss misconduct & risk issues;
Share information & experiences including best practice in detecting misconduct
and handling allegations

Collaborate in preventing and mitigating risks

IRMG activities to date
IRMG formed in August 2018
Concept Note focusing on fraud and corruption forYear 1, was developed and
submitted to DfID ($350,000);

Participation & influencing on U4 Anticorruption Conference in Uganda ( March

KPMG contracted to conduct an assessment of current accountability practices
among INGOs in Uganda & based on the results of assessment, plan is to prepare

guidelines for risk management and accountability for INGOs in Uganda;

Ongoing advocacy to support risk management with donors and UN
Planned awareness raising sessions and training to increase INGO capacity to
prevent, mitigate and respond to risks;

Working on Concept Note forYear 2: i) Focus on Safeguarding ii) Implementation
of recommendations from fraud assessment

Key Gaps & Recommendations from KPMG
Study on Fraud and Corruption

Key Gaps highlighted:

Lack of a standard risk management approach
to prevention of fraud & corruption

Inadequate capacity at national partner level
Disjointed training and capacity building
initiatives by INGOs and national partners

Inadequate funds for training and capacity

Key Recommendations to INGOs & National


Develop a standard risk management
approach to fraud & corruption

Build national partner capacity through joint
IRMG meetings/discussions

Use IRMG forums to share success stories and
lessons learnt

Undertake collective training and joint


IRMG and LDPG Collaboration
Continuous update on progress and sharing of experiences;
Jointly define certain approaches, for example supportive vs punitive actions for a more
response to corruption;
Interested LPDG members could fund longer term support to IRMG bilaterally in supporting
two related to safeguarding related activities;
LPDG members to benefit from information, research, lessons learned etc. by IRMG this
feed in to a more harmonized approach/view also amongst donors;
Inter-Agency FRRM system from UNHCR is not so a true inter- agency mechanism and needs
comprehensive inclusion of other non-IP INGOs;
IRMG could assist in reviewing/compiling reasonable unit rates for budget analysis; effective
agreement clauses that could work as mitigation measures etc. etc;
Coordinated effort between LDPG and IRMG on inclusion of local organizations;
Joint capacity building as and when suitable;
Continuous collaboration between IRMG and LDPG reduces the risk of being dependent on
and risk of losing the institutional memory could for example produce “lessons
reports every year or similar;

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Since : 01-01-2018
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